Thursday, May 30, 2019

Jim Blain's Grandfather's Old Ram

In which Mark Twain (as portrayed by Hal Holbrook) makes recounting the story of a rambling old man trying to recount a story into high art.

Behold, a Tip Jar!

1 comment:

Robt said...

The Twain clips inspired me to comment.

As my two republican senators have not voted for a single issue in line with my views.

Except , When they voted to punish Russia with Sanctions over their attack on our elections.
Only to reverse that later, when they voted to lift those very sanctions on Russian "Oleg" who was indicted by Mueller.
They feel their lack of representing me is doing me a favor. To highlight our differences they deny me representation. As long as they have majority power, they will continue to show me how their ideology doesn't work which is to convince me to change my ways.
This favor turns out to solidify the lack of representation of someone that disdains me. Which representation could only be a punishing one.

Need affordable health care. We will get rid of what you have and let the corporate thieves help you out of every penny you have.

So I am better off with GOPers not representing me.

New lefislative guides.

Republicans ban Abortion and it only applies to Registered republicans.
When GOP passes voter oppression laws (as Voter ID), only republicans have to have these voter IDs.

We can have two constitutions, one for GOP and one for everyone else.

This way it avoids the meatheads idea of a Civil War and we don't have states seceding.

Speed limit signs on the side of the roads.

One stating a speed limit for Democrats and another sign stating speed limits for Republicans.

And America can still pretend we are united.