Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Breaking: ABC Dumps Bill Kristol As It Deals With Sagging `This Week'

From the Seattle Times:
ABC Dumps Bill Kristol As It Deals With Sagging `This Week'

WASHINGTON - ABC executives, worried about sinking ratings ... are starting to overhaul the once-mighty "This Week."

The first victim is Bill Kristol, a conservative presence for three years on the shoot-the-breeze Sunday round table. The Weekly Standard editor taped his last show Wednesday after being told that his contract would not be renewed.

The axing of Kristol comes three months after the departure of the show's executive producer, Dorrance Smith, who, like Kristol, worked in the Bush White House. Several sources confirmed that contrary to the public announcement at the time, Smith was forced out by ABC News President David Westin, who has had an increasingly strong hand in the program.

Smith said Kristol "added a much-needed different perspective from a conservative viewpoint, which I don't think they have any interest in trying to fill. They're tone-deaf when it comes to political evenhandedness. . . . Rather than being journalistically honest, they're much more comfortable with people who share viewpoints closer to their own," he said of ABC management...

There is so much in this column to amuse and delight someone as low and perverse as me.

First, while this column is from the Washington Post via the Seattle Times, it is not from this week.  Or this month.

Or this year.

Or even this century.

It is from December of 1999.

And I bring it to your attention today not only to underscore just how long Bill Kristol has been a reeking public embarrassment, but to point out that is doesn't matter how many times Bill Kristol shits the bed, because some member of his Beltway insider club will always. always, always find a way to put him back into the rotation:
Which is why expecting Bill Kristol to ever be brought to book for his bloody failures, lies and fuck ups is certainly satisfying but ultimately pointless.  And according to fellow Beltway insider club member Jennifer Rubin, it is also just plain rude!

Because the Prime Directive of the Beltway media is to protect fellow members of the Beltway media from accountability, which is why they will always leap to the defense of ghouls like Kristol.  Even though holding him to this very standard was exactly how Bill Kristol said he should be judged back in 2003:

But that cannot be allowed to happen.  Because if it did -- if Bill Kristol ever got permanently kerbooted off the Wingnut Welfare dole for being the smirking, always-wrong monster that he is -- god God, who knows who could be next?!?

People might start sniffing around the public records of other highly paid Beltway pundits.

Hell, someone other than a few Libtard bloggers might actually start reading what beloved Beltway mainstays like David Brooks or David Frum or Michael Gerson or Bret Stephens or Joe Scarborough have actually said and written.  They might start comparing sweeping, ex cathedra declarations from these goofs (and dozens more just like them) with how events have actually unfolded and start to notice that they do not have the slightest fucking clue what they're talking about.  That they peddle nothing more than self-aggrandizing, self-exonerating snake oil.  That we will never have adult conversations about the critical problems facing us as long as these frauds and scuttlefish are clogging up our public square with their poison.

The second reason this delights me is because it was written by none other that Howard "Mistah" Kurtz, who is himself a case-study in how the worst people in journalism are the most enduring.  This was back when he worked for the WaPo -- before he set fire to his career and ended up as another digestive parasite in the belly of Fox News, working to turn reality into wingnut talking points.
And lastly, I am amused to note that, as far back as 1999 the Right was already working the refs like mob lawyers, railing in the court of public opinion about even-handedness and journalistic honesty --
Smith said Kristol "added a much-needed different perspective from a conservative viewpoint, which I don't think they have any interest in trying to fill. They're tone-deaf when it comes to political evenhandedness. . . . Rather than being journalistically honest, they're much more comfortable with people who share viewpoints closer to their own," 
-- in defense of freaks like Bill Kristol.

Behold, a Tip Jar!


Davis said...

Hogan Gidley is the perfect name; sounds like something a stand-up comic would come up with.

Robt said...

I say promote Kristol, Hewitt, , SykesFrum and Alex Jones To meet the chuck Todd every Sunday.

Nice gig for them.
They can special guest the latest outrageous right wing religious leader for spice balance.

The sell the entire show to FOX.
Use the money made and saved to create a new programming for that time slot.

All in favor, Blink your eyes.

rapier said...

I think I am safe in saying that none of our great middle brow but serious commentators who make it onto the TeeVee or the editorial page of the NY Times has ever worked a day in their lives. It's quite a gig.

Victor the Crab said...

Uh, Jennifer Rubin isn't exactly wrong in pointing out Bernie Sanders as a whole.

Jason said...

Victor...Jennifer Rubin is concern trolling and her call for politesse on the part of Bernie or any other democrat for that matter is far beyond a joke and ironic ludicrousness. That is if you consider Trump and his right wing racist, sexist, xenophobic, homophobic hateful base and the traitorous complicit GOP. Which she isn't. Rubin's tut tutting about rude discourse from Sanders makes me want to see her get smacked.

Maura said...

Jason, seeing as how I assume you're a gentleman and would never smack a lady, I'll be happy to do it for you, gratis.