Thursday, April 11, 2019

The Return of Wingnut Mr. Whoopee

Glenn Beck's Never Trump LARPing act lasted exactly as long as we knew it would.
But boy howdy were the Liberal media rubes lined up around the fucking block to hand him all the media spotlight he could soak up when he was feeding them their favorite self-flattering fairy tale of the bad man who has seen the error of his ways and come into the Liberal light.
Glenn Beck: Canary in the Never Trump Mineshaft

Stop being chumps, people.

Behold, a Tip Jar!


Victor the Crab said...

Never believed him for a nanosecond.

Robt said...

Rehabilitating Becky-Becky Nutty-stan can only occur in an Insane Institution.

There is no cure.

Only living with imbalance of human traits conflicted with the dominance of the Zombie.

Who apparently is obsessed with George Soros never giving him money like the Koch Brothers.