Wednesday, March 06, 2019

The Left was Right About The Right All Along

This interview with Brad DeLong is a good read.
A Clinton-era centrist Democrat explains why it’s time to give democratic socialists a chance
Maybe 20, 25 years too late -- and won't change anything -- but still, full of protein-rich tidbits like...
The world appears to be more like what lefties thought it was than what I thought it was for the last 10 or 15 years.
Barack Obama rolls into office with Mitt Romney’s health care policy, with John McCain’s climate policy, with Bill Clinton’s tax policy, and George H.W. Bush’s foreign policy. And did George H.W. Bush, did Mitt Romney, did John McCain say a single good word about anything Barack Obama ever did over the course of eight solid years? No, they fucking did not.
No allegiance to truth on anything other than the belief that John Boehner, Paul Ryan, and Mitch McConnell are the leaders of the Republican Party, and since they’ve decided on scorched earth, we’re to back them to the hilt. So the politics were completely wrong, and we saw this starting back in the Clinton administration.
The first lesson is the Gingrich lesson: If you’re in a swing state, you lose your seat if the president of your party is perceived to be a failure. The highest priority for Blue Dogs in red and purple states — in 1994 and in 2010 — ought to have been making it clear the president of their party was a great success.
That’s especially opposed to the people on the other side, who are very, very strange indeed. You listen to [Never Trump conservatives] like Tom Nichols or Bruce Bartlett or Bill Kristol or David Frum talk about all the people they had been with in meetings, biting their tongues over the past 25 years, and your reaction can only be, “Why didn’t you run away screaming into the night long ago?”
I shall now sit back and await the job offers from prestigious publications and think tanks to come pouring in for those of us who have been right about the Right all along and have been run out of polite society on a rail for our troubles.

Behold, a Tip Jar!


Pagan in repose said...

Thanks for the heads up on the Brad DeLong interview. Almost gives a person hope.

I surely hope that "...the job offers from prestigious publications and think tanks to come pouring in for those of us who have been right about the Right all along and have been run out of polite society on a rail for our troubles."

wibble said...

What I thought funny:

In his Twitter thread, he makes note that Krugman and Reich both tweaked him with "...About Bloody Time!" responses...
