Friday, March 08, 2019

Professional Left Podcast #484

“A good newspaper is a nation talking to itself.”
-- Arthur Miller, writer

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The Professional Left is brought to you by our wholly imaginary "sponsors" and real listeners like you!


Meremark said...

Major shame David fckface Brooks crashed his cachet too late for your podcast fodder.

Maybe you could do a podcast appendage this weekend, or another (already) emergency bulletin podcast Breaking Snooze! Breaking Snooze!

Hallbowski23 said...


dinthebeast said...

I'm not a vengeful person, but the day that Mitch McConnell loses his job as majority leader will be a fine day.

Winning is important. If you are afraid that your values won't survive the tactics that may give them a chance to see the light of day, either your values aren't very sound, you are a coward, or the propaganda has skewed your description of reality.

No, we don't want to end up just like the Republicans. If you are seriously afraid of that eventuality, I would ask you to closely examine just why it is that you feel that way, but in the mean time, please do not play the stooge for those same awful Republicans and screw up our chance at removing them from power.

Bloomberg didn't run, and has promised to spend some of his fortune defeating Fergus, which is pretty much a best case scenario, then some other clueless billionaire said he was considering running.

So the stress levels will continue unabated for now, so thank you again for the podcast and the infusion of sanity it always provides.

-Doug in Oakland

Robt said...

No, we don't want to end up just like the Republicans."

If the opposition to republicans is to be moderate with a zealot fanatical republican no holds barred represent the wealthiest highest biding donors.

Like moderating how to fight WWII so we don't become NAZIS.

Nothing, nothing is the limitation for the GOP. Russians in the NRA, showing up at the National prayer breakfast, "Russia if your listening".
As for McConnell, his abuse of power and dismissal of his Oath of Office is given to him by every republican Senator who stands in party lockstep over the constitution and Americans they are supposed to represent.

Extraordinary measures apply for extra ordinarily zealotry zealotry of the GOP's abuse of power.

* Low level GW Bush lawyer ordered to write a legal memo legalizing torture.

* Special Prosecutor convicts Scooter Libby at the VP'Cheney's order. Finalizes his investigation with, "A cloud hangs over the VP's office.

* Outright refusal to give deference and interview a president's nominee to a SCOTUS vacancy. While every GOP senator tells their constituents, they take their duty to perform due diligence extremely serious. As they go on to confirm the vile and criminal history of nominees from this President.
* to allow a exclusive Federalist Society group who has no accountability to Americans nor the Constitution and justice. Provides the lists of judges that must be selected from to appoint and to confirm. Or not at all.

Every GOP Senator stands with McConnell when he told Americans via the press, "I decide what gets voted on".

Which is not totally true, McConnell's owners actually decide.

John said...

It is with a heavy heart, Driftglass, that tell you that the Rothko Chapel in Houston is closed for renovations. There is now even less reason to go to Houston than before. See

I hope you don't take this too seriously and do something rash to express your anguish.