Monday, March 25, 2019

Bob Barr to America: Splunge

No-Collusion-But-No-Exoneration is getting ready to be the new Support-But-Not-Endorse.
Media: What does splunge mean?

Barr: It means there-was-no-conspiracy-but-probably-there-was-and-I'm-not-being-indecisive!

Media: Well now we're getting somewhere.
Although I have had my share of fun on Twitter invoking the name of Bob Mueller and although I firmly believed protecting his investigation was imperative, if you stroll through my archives, you'll find very few posts mentioning Mr. Mueller and none pretending that any action on his part was going to end this nightmare.

Because no matter what the report actually says (from Slate) --
Bill Barr’s Weasel Words

All the ways the attorney general is spinning the Mueller report to protect Trump.
-- Republicans were always going to claim victory, declare a national holiday, demand anyone who ever said a discouraging word about Il Douche be cast into a lake of fire, and make "No Collusion! No Collusion! No Collusion!" the motto of the Trump 2020 campaign. 

Because I have never believed anyone but us was going to save us.

Behold, a Tip Jar!


DRickard said...

Actually, Trump's 2020 campaign motto will be "Re-elect me so I can run out the statute of limitations."

Robt said...

The expectation of Barr and as Barr said in his confirmation hearing, :his alone opinion".
From his multi page opnion piece of judgement over the entire investigation (more corrupt than Whitaker's).
The republican Senate majority got what they confirmed for. Trump's expectations were met.
And the honorable William Barr of bail out Reagan's crooks with pardons fame.

The trustworthy Barr who has been a lying corrupt lobbyist for approx. 20 years.
Got his payday when his long time client got their merger the DOJ was refusing to allow. By the miraculous ways of God, even Trump decided to change his mind and allow the merger. With an honorable blessing of the upstanding Barr (who everyone trusts), was blessed with high level deep state paying positions in the DOJ. It too, was God's miraculous mysterious manner in which God works.

It is the same Justice we see with Acosta (the prosecutor) applying this "justice" to Jeffery Epstein. As well as Mr. Kraft.

The justice I get is the media airing coverage live on air of the president ass plug (Jim Jordan). Guess Steve King wasn't readily available to plug Ass with all his white Supremacy in the way.
Just don't recall the media providing Dems with air time like that when they were the minority? I do recall the media saying that Dems have no importance to air because they had no power.
As we can see, Jordan has the power of ass plug.

Victor the Crab said...

If us is going to save us from us, than us is fucked.