Wednesday, March 27, 2019

America's Sad Clown of Centrism Has Thoughts

Many thoughts.

You know, an honest man might consider finally admitting that, in retrospect. spending the entire 2016 election cycle running in circles, screaming "Both Sides Do It!  OMFG!  The K'rupt Duopoly!" was both monumentally stupid and deeply dishonest.  And in no small part responsible for the election of President Stupid.

Which why o'l Ron will never do it.  In fact, repeatedly putting this very question to him is why ol' Ron blocked me on the Twitter.

But so what?  What if the Both Siderists blocked all of us?

From every corner of the internet, hundreds, thousands would rise up to take our places.

Like this guy.

Even America's Sad Clown of Centrism can’t block that fast.

Behold, a Tip Jar!


Robt said...

Come on,
Ditsy Devos made difficult decision(s) ???

From the Devos Dictionary

Difficult decision; defined as,

Taking other peoples money and moving it toward your bank account.

Bill Hicks said...

I blame both "sides," those sides being the right and the center. There are actually three sides in American politics, even if the left is virtually locked out of the national conversation.

mike said...

Thank God that Trimp is FINALLY getting the OUTRaGEOUs costs of the Special Olympics under control!

I mean, isn’t that money needed for Juan Gaiudo and Binyamin Netanyoohoo?

“Mommy, can’t I play with my friends anymore?” “No, dear, the president needs that money for Saudi air support”.


Pagan in repose said...

Off topic:

OH, OH, I've got my hand raised, call on me. Say, if the Special Olympics can be funded by the philanthropic sector then so can the Department of Defense and so on. Then the tax money can be spent on things like the "Trump skull fuckery award" or that special diamond & gold engagement ring for Trump's North Korean love interest. Cool huh?

Of course there may be a little problem with all the philanthropic sector wanting their names on everything, but I'm sure everyone will be very kind and genteel about it.

Robt said...

There is a small curvature in the ideal of philanthropic sector funding things.
Besides requiring tax exemptions for the donation and the mandatory name publicity of a person's image or a companies product advertising.

Take Casino God, Seldy Adelson. Who has way more than enough to fund Israel for all it';s little countries every need.

Yet, he uses his philanthropic generosity to donate to the republican party, every GOP private sector GOP promoter. He counts on the GOP to fund his Israel from American tax payers and the American military blood.

His donations (investments is by far less expensive for him. For every $million he donates to the GOP he gets in return the GOP government paying out to Israel $10 million, to give you an idea of a ration of donated dollars.
Not only that, it comes with the assurance which unlike Social Security or Medicare for Americans that fall prey to GOP cuts because it is affordable socialism.
The Israeli foreign aid is not subjected to cuts.
Now, I will not claim all philanthropics are like this. Because what Shldon and his ilk do, is not philanthropic at all.

Let's try something that has never been tried for Israel.
Something the republicans swear by as absolute success every time it is applied.

To end all and any problematic impositions of the Israeli/ Palestine disagreements. Any disagreements between Israel and Iran.

* * Can be completely resolved by tax cuts for the rich. To trickle down wealth on all this strife.

Hocus Pocus- Horus Locus....problem solved......!