Friday, February 22, 2019

I Smell a Rat Close By

A daring soul slipped this through the bars of my Twitter jail cell.

I laughed and laughed.

Then my mind flew back to childhood and the mostly forgotten final last stanza of "The Three Little Kittens..."
The three little kittens, they washed their mittens,
And hung them out to dry,
"Oh, mother dear, do you not hear,
That we have washed our mittens?"
"What, washed your mittens, then you're good kittens,
But I smell a rat close by."
"Meow, meow, meow,
We smell a rat close by."
And I laughed some more.

And now, the late Leonard Cohen singing "Waiting For The Miracle"

Behold, my Twitter Legal Defense Fund!

1 comment:

Robt said...

You do not have to excuse my rude and crude assessment of crime and punishment standards of Republican law and order justice compared with wealthy and corporate policies.
Socialism is bad unless you are a republican voting farmer who for life recieves Socialism by Farm Subsidies. Then defy you closely held religioys ideology of Free Trade and get Gov;t out of the way. Unless us republican farmers plead and vote for GOP to intervene in farmers behalf to negotiate a trade deal that profits them more and when it doesn't work out. Take other people's money and give it to those farmers who financially got hurt by their own big government and GOP socialistic attempts and failures.

Right down to their Abortion religious family values of,
================"It’s OK for me; evil for thee.” ========================

Just one example, Elliot Broidy, the former RNC deputy finance chairman paid $1.6m to a Playboy Playmate he had an affair with, after she aborted his child on Broidy's behalf. No right to life GOP religious voters or even organizations ever, Never mention it. But they do go out and march in protest of NY state exercising their state rights to make law over reproductive rights.

So when it comes to Twitter justice. Law and order for certain classes of hymans and other exemptions from that standard for others.
Does it surprise ? When it comes from many of the same superior chosen ones?

One only needed to listen to the GOP majority House and Senate hearings over Russian Bots and interfering of election. Where the GOP main concern was/ is how dare the Google and others allow and conspire to let trending stories of anything other than republican driven mantra get to the top of the algorithms to list first.

Apparently you do not have the republican friends and donors badge.

Keep in mind, The president of the united States (even as candidate) "I will bomb the shit out of them", Shit hole countries", "the Mexican judge (judge Curio of fraud University case" is racist as a person with Mexican heritage against me because I am racist against him and therefore cannot rule in my case. If, he finds me guilty".

What did they do when HRC made the "basket of deplorable" campaign rhetoric statement?
How could she???????????? Lock her up!

By the way, Do es Twitter post a list of those in Twit prison?