Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Breitbart News Content Provider Mitch McConnell...

...blames Mark Harris' election fraud on Democrats who cannot recite the names of all 67 Alabama county election judges from memory.

Stupid Democrats!

From Twitter:
I our awe of just how irredeemably evil Mitch McConnell is, let's not forget to thank the voters of the great state of Kentucky for keeping this pinstripe klansman and reliable Trump stooge in power.

The Wages of Sin ... Barely Cover My Bar Tab.


Grung_e_Gene said...

Conservatives have been warning US, the People they have been stealing elections and did we listen??? Noooooooooo!

RUKidding said...

Projection... with Ratpublicans it's ALWAYS projection.

Count on it. Bank on it.

If Big D isn't prepared to counter this bullshit: Shame, Shame, Shame on them. Really. There is no bar too low for some rat like McConnell to slither under as he lies and lies again.

Color me unsurprised.


The Kraken said...

Why does everything he says smack of "why are you hitting yourself?"

*Crossing fingers that Google lets me post this comment for DG's approval*