“In a world of thieves, the only final sin is stupidity."
-- Hunter S. Thompson, writer
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I don't know if you saw this. During the shutdown, Trump has ordered Federal attorneys to proceed with eminent domain cases to seize property along the US-Mexico border for his asinine wall. https://youtu.be/pccBeZ9de3o
Princess Sparkle Pony, who is on furlough, responded to the "oh, they're getting a free vacation" line by saying that most government workers he knows want to go back to providing the service that they provide to the public more than they want to sit at home and wonder when the insanity is gonna end.
He also noted that contract workers are getting fully screwed and many simply won't recover from this.
And my hometown of Eureka, CA, cancelled its women's march for today because it would be "overwhelmingly white" and the organizers were terrified of how that would look in the media coverage that they get so little of there that it seems terribly important to them.
Then a lesbian former city council member said, "Uh, no." and organized a march herself with crowdfunding and a sense of what constitutes missing the point.
Eureka is more than 75% white, so yeah, it's gonna be "overwhelmingly white" at the march, which is about inclusivity, which fucking INCLUDES the lily-white population of the town behind the redwood curtain.
Serves as a reminder that redwoods, as beautiful as they are, are still woods, and the places behind them can still be the backwoods...
And that moving to Oakland in 1984 was the right thing to do.
Thank you again for the podcast. The news does indeed feel as if it has been sped up, and I saw some headlines yesterday opining that when Fergus goes down, it will happen with a surprising quickness, which perhaps signals the return of optimism?
-Doug in Oakland
The Steve King saga. How the local paper endorsed King and only now "flips" to asking King to resign.
It is like my local paper who endorsed my district Republican for re election. That he did a good job and thus, deserves a 2nd term. Once they endorse their candidate as a paper. They have a tough time not being bias. It showed.
As this republican on his first term used his 20 years of military service recieving free health care. Never having any knowledge of civilian life health care. Ran on repeal and replace. Although he only repealed and replacing was something that the free market would fix on its own in time.
His close political public showing of GOP Brotherhood with Steve king in his first and 2nd term in the house was on display. My congressman was and is right there with King. Right to the present where both King and my Rep. both, voted to spank King. Before the Democratic Majority seriously censured King.
King flew on tax dollar junkets to Europe and it is well documented he scheduled speeches. At event of white supremacists while their on tax dollars. Wearing his USA lapel pin and his congress pin while promoting white supremacy in Europe. Does King get to continue this without being on a committee?
The last congress. The GOP leadership was, Speaker Ryan. #2 Kevin McCarthy and #3 Steve Scalese.
That number 3 GOP leader is the guy well known as , "David Duke without the baggage".
Meaning, Duke was the Grand Dragon of the KKK and everyone knows it except Trump. Scalese as a KKK member. Was able to keep hidden his KKK membership card. Scalese in his primaries has always did the same as King. wallowing in white supremacy base voters.
So why does the press. The media exempt Steve Scalese? He does promote it yet, is more savvy going about it. You know, traveling in White Supremacist without a lot of luggage to tote around.
Recall Ryan said, Trump's racist statements sounds like the definition of racism. Never lifting an eye brow. As my house rep. chose never to reply to any of my calls or written inquuieries over this. Hell, Citizens United here, there are no House member town halls or Senate town halls. They only meet with sopecial intereat now. Chamber of Commerce, Assciation of framers, Koch Brothers, the NRA. The big donors. Last year they gave a couple of on phone town halls. Where they line up all their pals and allies and political hacks to call in. Ask the pre produced questions and expressing the Lords love for them. If you haven't experienced these Tele-Town halls. You haven't been angered in your life.
They are reality shows............
*With the shutdown, my congress critters (GOP all) are silent. They are waiting for Frank Luntz to provide their words to bless us constituents with.
Can't explain why the Senate and House chaplains are considered essential government service that must be continued provided during the shutdown.
Chaplain prayers to congress daily is essential because ( Guessing) These soul saving prayers are something they cannot get on their own.
Thoughts and prayers.................
I realize these Chaplains "believe" there is no soul unsalable. If true, the Chaplains ought consider focusing on the desperately needy. Like Steve King.
Yep, I am suggesting the congressional chaplains have been failing. Not earning their Lord's pay.
Morning Joy Sunday . Hit on the both sides press contingency.
Clear, bold, concise, clear, information how it is not a both sides reality show. From a Girl.....!
A beautiful and smart one at that.
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