Monday, January 14, 2019

According To The Current Republican Standard of Proof...

..., Nixon should have been removed from office only if he had grown a giant villain mustache and began twirling it in public and cackling, "Yah, I did it!  I did it all!  Everything they say, and more! The Kennedys?  Dead!  George Lincoln Rockwell?  Dead!  Wallace?  Wheelchair city!  It was Nixon!  It was all Nixon!  Bwahahahaha!"

Behold, a Tip Jar!


dinthebeast said...

Not sure they would want him removed from office even then, as they don't seem to like the fact that he resigned much.
They still support Agnew for gawdsakes, because Agnew really knew how to hit them damn liberals.

-Doug in Oakland

RUKidding said...

Doubtful that even that woulda done it nowadays but love the Snidely Whiplash porn 'stache.

My 'rents, may they RIP, went to their graves baldly defending Milhouse on the rightwing talking points of Ye Olde Daze, which mainly went: "Nixon 'just happened' to be the one who got caught. They ALL do it."

IOW: you can readily see the Both Sides!! Both Sides!!11!!! arguments on display as far back as at least 1974 (no doubt even longer ago than that).

I said to them then: "Even IF that's true - that 'both sides' do it - how does that translate into 'Nixon shouldn't suffer any consequences'??? I mean, the bank robber who happens to get busted goes to jail, even though OTHER bank robbers 'get away with it'and don't go to jail."

My 'rents just mumbled some pre-Fox - Joe Pyne ruled the airwaves back then! - arglebargle at me that was the precursor to the insane nonsensical swill that we get to hear eminating from every Republican pie hole across the land to this day.

Believe me, not much has changed in my lifetime, other than: yeah, it appears that Republicans are far less ashamed about the KKK and white supremacy than they appeared to be back in Ye Olden Daze (or, at least I think my 'rents weren't abject KKK-supporting racists; can't speak for everyone).

Robt said...

There in lies the masochism of republicanism.
Steve King votes "yeah" in slapping his hand for being the racist.
Lost the committees he simmered his racist menudo. Losing the committee pay is something and hopefully, he no longer is allowed to fly to Europe for his White Supremacist rallies where he promoted that shit on tax dollars and with his American lapel pin made in China.

Does it seem like the republicans regressed back to the good ole Hoover years?