Friday, October 26, 2018

Professional Left Podcast #464

“Propaganda must facilitate the displacement of aggression by specifying the targets for hatred."
-- Joseph Goebbels

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DonP said...

You had me at Babylon 5.

On the Megyn Kelly story, I will admit, that unlike some of the other colossal NBC clusterfucks, I have seen online Andy Lack himself is actually getting brought up for being the dimwit with no understanding of American politics that he is. How much legitimate reporting could NBC news have done with the $70 million they will pay her the next 3 years to sit home and sew new Klan hoods? ("Are Klan Hoods racist? Cenk Uyger and I discuss next!"). Seriously, Fairbanks, Alaska doesn't need a new weather girl for the next three years?

Robt said...

The Me-gyn living off network welfare misses the sexual harassment attention and it's highly profitable income she can collect in a financial pinch.

He, Sen. Ben Sasse.

He is one of my senators. Ideological dufuss with a high self esteem he never earned.
REad his book would be equivalent to a smoker taking off time from his life.

He gave us , Thoughts and prayers" after the Las Vegas massacre.

He asks his consituents to "pray" for our country in the midst of failure he votes for.

REcently on the TV, he was called on to address that Hannity said Sasse is not a conservative. Which Ben upchucked that he is a real republican and would debate Hannity on that at a neutral ground. He added, hannity does the same thing as Maddow..

Sasse, in that senate down time before the ACA repeal vote. Came home. Imediately got on a plane and flew to a Koch Brothers seminar on Health Care. Never having a town hall with nebraskans. NO congressman held any town halls. The other senator met with the Chamber of Commerce and refused to meet with local people in the streets protesting to have a face to face. They wrote in the paper and stated for the record. They are not going to meet with paid leftist protesters. But the Chamber of Commerce is a lobbying group and are paid.

Ben Sasse sent me a response after numerous phone calls and emails on guns and shootings.
"I believe in the 2nd Amendment. The right to defend yourself against government tyranny". he wrote me.

To this day he will not respond,
"Did the man that shot Scalise, was he defending himself from government tyranny? Scalise definitely is government as number 3 in the House.

But how does that defend against tyranny in the 2nd amendment work?

Is it an individual decision? A group decision? Does it come from the top down? Des congress declare tyranny , Let the shootings begin.

Civility is something Liberals need to acquire and it is defined as voting with the GOP.
He says he has the right to advise and consent. But hasn't been bold enough to explain why he did neither with Garland>
Believe in Federal government banning abortion nation wide. Believes the FEd Should law the law nation wide on assault weapons everywhere.
No state rights for legalizing the Pot.

Sheldon Adelson's Nevada casino in its state can be allowed legal prostitution.

In other words, no legal barometer to laws, Only his moral belliefs. His not anyone elses. Are to be ruling.
Because he, is Senaotor.

Well, you did ask for it when you raised Sasse and his book in the podcast.

Somehow I think your Sasse mention should have been in one of your advertisers Ads. The devout religulous fascist.

dinthebeast said...

I have long since only posted "Uh, Newton Leroy Gingrich, GOPAC, 'Language: a key mechanism of control'" into discussions about civility and it's societal and political effects just to have it there, as I no longer have any faith that anyone who doesn't already know about it will believe it really happened.
And now, that lack of an ability to believe the particulars of how we actually got here is gearing up for its attempt at throwing us back into the same problems whose attempts at solutions were those particulars context, and in the service of the creation of problems even worse...
Some days the only thing that gets me through it is the belief that we do outnumber them by enough to get one more shot at fixing the damage, and those are the days when I don't want to watch Steve Kornacki either.
Thanks again for the podcast, this was already a stressful week before the bombs went out, so the dose of sanity is much appreciated.

-Doug in Oakland