Friday, October 26, 2018

10 Years Gone, Ctd.

You all might find it amusing that I wrote this post -- "The Bubba Bubble" -- exactly decade ago tomorrow.

It was a brief meditation about how various Loyal Republicans and True Conservatives were suddenly "discovering" much to their "shock" that their Republican Party was ... OMFG! ... full of Republicans!

You see, a decade ago the state of the GOP was already so blindingly obvious that even a nobody Libtard blogger in the middle of Middle America could see it as plain and clear as the noonday sun.

Which I hope explains at least a bit of my skepticism, a decade later, about the many Loyal Republicans and True Conservatives who have gone on to great success in a popular new genre of fiction called "Never Trumping" in which the protagonist pretends to be shocked to suddenly discover that their Republican Party was full of ... OMFG! ... Republicans! ... all along.  

And yes, this it part of my...

 ...Birthday Fundraiser!

+ + + + + + + + + + 

The Bubba Bubble

4 Sale: One Big Tent. Slightly Used. (click pic for larger)

For most of my adult life, Conservatism has been a cult where rich people exploited stupid people by playing on their fears and bigotries.


The idea that most of the margin-of-victory orcs the GOP sopped up during the "Reagan Revolution" were participating in some glorious, Randite uprising or gave a shit about rights -- civil, individual, property or otherwise -- for anyone but themselves and for any reasons other than to ratify their particular strains of paranoia or bigotry was laughable.

Up until very recently, a loose but accurate translation of the Right's technical term for anyone who pointed this out was "Dirty America-hating Liberal Traitor".

Of course, now that the Bubba Bubble has collapsed and Conservatism’s cultural hedge-fund managers like David Fucking Brooks, George Will, Andrew Sullivan and Kathleen Parker have found the product they’ve grown wealthy and influential flogging is as worthless and lethal as a 1970 Ford Pinto made out of securitized mortgages and Chinese dog food, they have come up with a Brand Spanking New technical term for people who question the wisdom of the Dear Leader and the sanity of the Party Base:

“Real Conservatives”


UPDATE: Link fixed (thanks, cyrano.) Now must dash to mine the NaCl.

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