Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Ewick son of Ewick Continues His Creepy Obsession with Goats...

Image result for erick erickson

-- the Supreme Court --
-- and violent sexual imagery:
In a 2008 blog post, he dubbed Michelle Obama a “Marxist harpy.” In a 2009 tweet, he called the retiring Supreme Court Justice David Souter “a goat fucking child molester.” Later that year, Erickson argued that President Obama won the Nobel Prize because of an “affirmative action quota.” The 2014 Democratic gubernatorial candidate in Texas, Wendy Davis, was, in due time, “Abortion Barbie.”
In all seriousness, it is long past time for someone -- friends, family members, fellow congregants at his church -- to intervene and get this tub of berserk fundy rage some "Jesus Clozapine Christ, what the fuck is wrong with you?" help.

Absent that, I recommend a rigorous course of dropping houses on his head like this until he shuts up and goes away:

Behold, a Tip Jar!


Dice said...

Intervention probably won't help. Try shaming your dog for licking its balls during your dinner party. Nuh-uh.

Robt said...

Someone with Erick the Erickson;s pedigree, you would think, would use his masterful insight and superior moral compass to direct him to his own obvious
house of misbehaving precious delicate pets.
As; NOT young youthful boy indiscretions.

* Republican finance committee Chairman Elliot Broidy. Breaking the marrage between two people Biblical law by being too wealthy and bored with life pay for a mistress. Get her pregnant and pay for her to have one of those Abortions on demand..

How about;
Texas republican Blake Farenhold and his sexual harassment settlement of $84 K paid with tax payers dollars. That is Erick;s tax dollars to, unless his tax cut was that great.

* The republican groping president? buying porn stars for sex (prostitutes) as the mother of his newly born son meant nothing to his wedding vows to his wife of this marriage.
Look Erick . Save your irritable hateful insights and ugly childish name calling and scrub clean your own shack of miscreants.

Jesus commands you, "not to throw stone from a glass pigsty".

Most of all, if it be a daughter, niece, grand daughter who gets raped. Bring home Orriin Hatch to lecture and console her. Make her understand, Trump says if she complains. She is just a money hungry whore.

Time for Erick to retrain for a real job. An honest job that will give him the dignity he seems to lack at what he does now.

For Erick's sake, your gig is old. Like Newt Old. sGet retrained. Don't end up like Sykes or Hewitt working for the libs and trying to hang on to the good old days of Hoover.

Ok said...

Separated at birth: Ewick and Peter Griffin. ��