Sunday, August 26, 2018

Never Trumpers Are a Funny Bunch

For example, who would have guessed that the same guy who very much wants Liberals to forgive and forget his past as a professional Republican ratfucker and slanderer of war heroes so that he can sell their own "OMG!  Republicans Suck!" words back to them for $20 a pop in hardback...

...would turn around and make this very clear and unambiguous declaration regarding a Republican who won the White House thanks to, among other things, ratfucking and slandering a war hero.

Funny old world.

Behold, a Tip Jar!


Jimbo said...

Rick Wilson is one of the most “I-am-totally-out-of-the-GOP conservatives along with Steve Schmidt, McCain’s 2008 campaign manager. But you know if the GOP ever became saner, they'd be right back in. Not sure that Bruce Bartlet will ever go back and I’m not sure that the GOP will ever be saner. It may just complete explode into a total racist/fascist party..

Robt said...

So floating to the top of the test tube experiment.

Is the birth of the "Never Trumpers".?

This is the new re branding of the GOP?

Diabolical indeed!!! Ready to get on board or hit it with an Ugly board.??

Robt said...

let me introduce you to a verified (not reality show) STABLE GENEROUS.