Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Hero Journalist Begins To Notice That Shit Might Actually Draw Flies

The last time that inexplicably still-employed Matthew Mitochondrion Lewis came to our attention was back in 2015 when he ordered Rush Limbaugh to "sack up" and drive Donald J. trump out of Mr. Lewis' beloved Conservative movement ("Matt Lewis Calls For Table Manners at the Donner Party").

Which history quickly proved had roughly the same effect as a vole ordering a velociraptor to bite its own shadow.

You see (he said, trying to break this to his readers as gently as possible) Mr. Lewis is whatchacall a "Conservative meathead".

"How big a meathead?" you ask.

A big enough meathead that he was was selected as a "Rising Star of Politics" by Politics Magazine in 2002 and by the American Conservative Union as "Blogger of the Year" in 2012 and has pulled a steady paycheck since (pausing to check my notes) approximately the age of three alternately writing about the glories of his Party of Bigots and Imbeciles and his shock at discovering that his Party of Bigots and Imbeciles was full of bigots and imbeciles.

A big enough meathead that he jumped on the Never Trump scam with both feet with "Too Dumb to Fail: How the GOP Betrayed the Reagan Revolution to Win Elections (and How It Can Reclaim Its Conservative Roots)" which Wikipedia notes was "receiving attention from The New York Times, The Weekly Standard, and other publications."  Which -- spoiler -- is just not that hard.  In fact, anyone with a dozen rotten eggs and a decent pitching arm can receive attention from The New York Times or The Weekly Standard if they don't mind paying the fine.

Anyway, what brings us here today is your constant clamor to find out what in the heck is ol' Mighty Mitochondrion Matt being paid real American money to write about today.

Well here you go.  Mr. Lewis in the The Daily Beast:
Did I Join a Movement That Naturally Attracts Extremists and Kooks?

When I rooted for Reagan in the 1980s, it was a movement with intellectual heft. Back then, I thought that was the new conservative normal. But what if it was an aberration?
Mr. Lewis follow his revelation that his Party of Bigots and Imbeciles had somehow filled up with bigots and imbeciles with the same litany of horribles which everyone with an IQ above room temperature already knows, all of which is anchored firmly anchored by the predictable Both Siderist alibi that every one of these Shocked!Shocked! Conservative grifters now flashes at every occasion (emphasis added):
Now, I’m not going to pretend that there aren’t weird people on the left; there are (see Anthony Weiner). And I’m not going to say they don’t have some horrifically stupid ideas (a new survey shows Dems prefer socialism to capitalism) I’m just saying that, in recent years, the balance has gotten out of whack.
The alert reader not fail ti also notice how Mr. Lewis repeatedly forces the phrase "in recent years" --
I grew up with (and signed on for) Reagan’s version of conservatism. In recent years, I have become disenchanted—not with the intellectual philosophy of Edmund Burke or the governing philosophy of Ronald Reagan—but with what passes for conservatism today.
-- to lift so much more more than OSHA guidelines allow --
In recent years, the worst trends seem to have disproportionately hit the American right.
-- for safety in the workplace.

This is because Mr. Lewis can only continue to get paid to commit his meathead thoughts to paper if he operates within a carefully controlled temporal Never Trump Safe Zone.  A Safe Zone in which everyone agrees to pretend (as one dirty Liberal blogger who operates far outside the Safe Zone recently wrote ) that the only people who never had the slighted fucking clue about what has been going on inside the Republican party over the past 50 years are the professional Republican pollsters, analysts, focus-group testers, campaign managers, message-crafters, elected leaders, think tankers, op-ed writers, Big Thinking panelists, magazine publishers, radio and teevee radio hosts who have literally only ever had one job: to advance the fortunes of the Republican party.

Nixon's Southern Strategy?  Reagan's obsession with "welfare queens" who drive Cadillacs and "young bucks" who eat T-bone steaks with money mooched from hard-working white people?  George H.W. Bush?  Lee Atwater?  "Willie Horton"?

Mr. Lewis doesn't know about any of that.

He is just a humble man.

A simple, single-celled organism of a man who would sincerely like you to believe that he never had the slightest inkling what was really going on inside his own party, and so would sincerely like you to buy his book full of insights into what is really going on inside his party.

Or you could just kick a few bucks into the tip jar of one of the dirty Libtards who has been right about the Right all along.

Behold, a Tip Jar!


Walt Garage said...

You forgot to mention when McReagan laid a wreath on the graves of fcuking NAZI SOLDIERS in Bitburg. Nothing extreme or kooky about THAT, amirite?

Fritz Strand said...

Just a couple of fun facts about saint Ronnie. During his Presidency there was a trillion dollars transfer of wealth (in 1980's dollars) from us to Japan. The day our blessed saint left office he spent one night in California. The next day he left for Japan to give two lectures for which he was paid a million dollars for each.

Now that's a great American Patriot!

Robt said...

Unlike applying lipstick on a pig.

Applying beauty cosmetics to flies is more difficult than applications to Pigs and Turds.

Rest assured, the same media that ignored most everything to cover an empty podium where Trump is going to speak during the election where it seemed Trump was the only candidate after the GOP convention.
The same media present's its sincere story of not being the enemy of the people.
Again, following the long trek of media specifically reacting, responding and providing Trump's messaging.
They are not.

As these news apologists to this day provide cover for the FOX, the INFOWARS etc.
The laws were changed to allow media to combine "News" with entertainment.

Are you not entertained.....!

jim said...

Praise for Reagan is praise for his AIDS Holocaust-By-Proxy.
If that atrocity didn't "disenchant" you, send a swab in to 23&Me, because you may not be human.