Nine months ago, ABC News' chief
Nine.The vast majority of trump voters aren't racists or sexists or mean spirited. Let's treat everyone with respect, and show each other love.— Matthew Dowd (@matthewjdowd) November 26, 2016
you are missing the point. I am talking about the majority of trump voters who are good people. Staying in hate isn't helping.— Matthew Dowd (@matthewjdowd) November 26, 2016
Have I mentioned that this is the guy ABC News pays for his deep and perceptive insights into the minds of the American electorate and state of American politics? And like the rest of his Beltway media running buddies, the words that Mr. Dowd is now struggling mightily not to say are: "Holy shit! The Left was right about the Right all along."Recent polls show 2/3rds of Trump supporters said they will never turn against him. No matter what. Time for media to stop interviewing them— Matthew Dowd (@matthewjdowd) August 19, 2017
Funny old world.
Behold, a Tip Jar!
Tell you what.
Out of reason and bi partisanship I will meet Dowd part way. Wil he reach out and meet me???
"Not all republican voters are NAZI, KKK, anti simetic white supremacists"
With that said,
Those that are *NOT* full blown Fascists (ugly hate feeders). That "believe" they are superior dictators and should rule the world.
Those he speaks to protect with words of white hoods to normalize and justify there enabling!
They want to be anonymous like a citizens united billionaire funding a web site (as Breitbart) to feed the demons of hate. But not publicly stand for their beliefs of hate, not to be "picked on". By the free speech of others.
Yes, the rest of them knew/ know clearly and found themselves VOTING with the NAZIs. That inner hateful doctor who took the oath of do no harm secretly despises having to perform his trade on a black patient can vote for something that will stop it . Without him refusing to display his bigotry by refusing to treat this undesirable patient.
In short Dowd ignores the NAZI Sympatizers that make up much of the rest of the party he (Dowd) ideologically defends.
"Where were all these statue and culture warriors of the GOP when,
GW Bush "decideered" to employ Northern aggression and invade the state rights of Iraq?
*When GW's general rode through Iraq;s version of Atlanta and burned it to the ground. Where were these great people?
*What of the both sides were equally violent in the Iraq war? Equally to blame?
*Their holy Bible tells them not to worship false Icons. Yet they're in so much pain for these statues of anti Americans to be removed. Placed in Museums and even Civil War Cemeteries. Not destroyed.
**How many of these White Supremacists would be harmed if they had to attend (by law) a public school house named after "Malcolm X" ?
*Where were the protests of American northern aggression pulling down the statue of Saddam? Destroying their heritage. Their culture? What next, will they tear down the holy city in Israel with the Anti Simetics? Take down the Vatican? Is the statie of Kim jumg Un on their list?
Right now Dowd seems to be attempting to help a political party continue to live in denial.
Dowd should interview Reps. Gohmert, Steve King on race. Interview Rep Roarbacher on russians.
But he cannot. Because his party became willing to serve Satan himself (if need be) to retain political power. It was not enough to have the rich elites who need to prove with their money how much power they have on people supporting them.
next time anyone chats with Dowd about any of this,
Ask him.
Do any of these groups represent any inkling of freedom (in the constitution)for anyone else besides them?. Especially those they hate which seems vast and never ending.
They despise the ACLU and want it killed and erased. Yet, they proudly say they got legal assistance from the ACLU to be granted their permit to protest.
They are not open to understand the ACLU assists others (even those not hate minded as them) with legal assistance when there civil rights are in question.
So Dowd like many GOPers now, are still formulating and calculating the recruitment and retainment of these hate groups as their voters.
And that is what Dowd is flogging himself in self denial over.
Sight and vision is part of that "created equal" thingy. If Dowd rubs his Genie lamp enough. He will get a genie to give him a wish . He wants a cloak to make him invisible. There again, I have seen that movie.
Ain't it though?
How about Rubo open up his gated community for one of the "ALT Right rallies?
You think Mercer who funds Breitbart to froth hate and attract these scumbags to mobilize them. You think Mercer would march in the rallies?
Which rally was Bannon marching in ?
I hear the KKK operates as a non profit (like a church. If so, this means I make up the tax revenue for them to avoid paying their share.
Here is Congresses first legislative piece to send to Donald, Take away tax exemptions from the KKK.
"Time for media to stop interviewing them"
Ah Dowd....you mean like when the majority of the media discovered, ONLY after the 2010 midterm results had been certified, that the Tea Party wasn't a group of humble apolitical citizens concerned about the deficit but an astroturfed, dark money backed, Republican rebranding scam designed jam the Bush administration down the memory hole?!? That the guy they kept interviewing wasn't a Joe Everyman left behind and hurting in Obama's America, but actually independently wealthy and had been a Republican Party County Chair for 20 years?
As Driftglass and Blue Gal ended their recent podcast with the first rules of News is: You always get the conservative white male opinion. The second rule is: You ALWAYS get the conservative white male opinion.
I want to see the media interview the other bunch of Trump voters -- the 50% who make more than $70,000 a year. Why hasn't the left been on this since November? Too busy making up fairy tails about the super powers Russia deployed? The median income of Trump voters is $70,000. That means that half of them make more than that! Where are the probing questions for those men and women? They are the suburban Republican professionals the DNC is so desperate to recruit. Ain't gonna happen. They despise Democrats. They stopped voting for Democrats after Reagan. The trouble is, the media doesn't dare expose them, because these are the people in the management ranks of the networks, these are the bank managers who weren't prosecuted in 2010. These aren't "white working class" people. Which reminds me, why doesn't the DNC give a sh*t about the "black working class?" Anyway, back to the media. Chase some of these people down while they're picking their kies up at their expensive private schools and ask them what the phrase "blood and soil" means to them?
You also get the republican white privilege opinions without making them "uncomfortable" .
don't miss this one, dg: http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/stop-extremist-hate-violence/story?id=49334538
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