Wednesday, November 23, 2016

The Difference Between "Unclear" and "Nuclear"...

...depends on what you do with the UN.

From CNN:
Trump picks South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley to be US ambassador to UN


Marc McKenzie said...

I...I just can't. Not now.

And of course, I don't expect the media to say jacks**t about that tweet. Because they're too busy performing verbal fellatio on the Orange Turd Blossom and there's nothing about emails.

RUKidding said...

Like much of what Trump promised his Seig Heiling fans, along with 99% of his tweets, it's all presently being flushed down the memory hole. Trump always said that he made promises to get his fans to vote for him, and that he had few intentions of following through. So I expect little of what Trump promised will happen including the few good things like creating jobs & bringing back Glass Steagle.

And no, the Presstitutes will say bupkiss & it's unlikely that his fans will kick up a stink. They'll be too busy denying reality as usual. After all, everything's OK with Big White Republican bigoted Daddy in charge.

Unknown said...

And they're already normalizing it. This is the headline for an NYT article today:
Trump Diversifies Cabinet; Picks Nikki Haley and Betsy DeVos

Yeah. That's some fine diversification there, Lou.

Unknown said...

And they're already normalizing it. This is the headline for an NYT article today:
Trump Diversifies Cabinet; Picks Nikki Haley and Betsy DeVos

Yeah. That's some fine diversification there, Lou.

Robt said...

I see this nomination as nothing more than creating a Nikki haley comet. Moving away from "rising stars, you see.

No doubt from the 3rd rience command.

How does Bannon and Flinn feel about this. For that matter the Breitbart Brownshirts?

After all, Nikki, with 2 "K"'s. Immigrant. Not a real American. Sullied the south's emblem of remembering Northern aggression. A woman for Mysogeny's sake, spreading the pussification of men.
Not like Nikki is going to bring jobs back through the U.N..
But hey, as S.C. Governor, she actually talked to a couple of business people from INdia that her parents knew. About jobs and business. They seem to leave out of that narrative how many jobs she brought to S. Carolina from the "Great India jobs importation talks"? Nor what Nikki the state tax spending to have those talks and measure the money spend in the endeavor in actual outcome?
Nikki will not win her next election as Gov. of S.C. for her own northern aggression on the most beloved flag.
Don't believe me? ---Ask Pepe........

Jeff said...

From Unknown: “And they're already normalizing it.”

Yes they are.

And every story that begins with “President-elect Trump . . .” instead of with
--“Accused [Admitted?] serial sexual predator and President-elect Trump . . .” or
--“Noted swindler and President-elect Trump . . .” or
--“Serial liar President-elect Trump . . .” or
--“Having just run the most openly bigoted [or racist, or misogynistic, etc.] campaign by a major-party candidate since before the Civil War, President-elect Trump . . .”
normalizes it more.

And NYT, WP, and all broadcast and cable news networks have practice using these kinds of opening lines, though with fiction rather than truth. For the last two years, in every story regarding Hillary Clinton, they figured out how to get “emails” or “Benghazi” or “Clinton Foundation” in the lede.

Ed Cooper said...

Good job Jeff, may I borrow your post to show a friend of mine?

Jeff said...

Please do, Ed. As those people of the Professional Left often say, we need language.