Thursday, August 25, 2016

Alt Right At-a-Glance

Are we clear now?


trgahan said...

Can someone tell me what the difference is between "Alt" Right and the Right?

I mean, a difference between the guy that sucker punches a BLM protester only to quickly retreat when they protester recovers (newly minted Alt Right) and the guy who pays lobbyists to make sure his payday loan places on the other side of town remain unregulated (The "establishment" Right)?

RUKidding said...

Good question tgahan. I'd like to know the difference, myself. From where I sit, it's a matter of degree... and not too many degrees.

It's just that the country club set is better at hiding their inside voice when they are "outside." I've said before, though, that I have wealthier relatives and have spent time at their la-de-dah whites only country clubs, which also used to be "No Jews Allowed" (some probably still don't permit Jews to darken their doorways to this day). Believe me, I've heard talk there that is no different from what is called the Alt-right today and what the Breitbartians indulge themselves in.

This IS the GOP. The end.

Anonymous said...

Alt right has not been allowed out of its cage for decades and shamelessly marches under German WW2 flags while claiming to be patriotic.

Chan Kobun said...

The Right is old white racist men afraid that browns, women, and queers will take away their jobs.

The Alt-Right is young racist white men afraid that browns, women, and queers will take away their underage anime character body pillows.

There, y'all're caught up now.

Robt said...

Can someone tell me what the difference is between "Alt" Right and the Right?

What Ayn Rand Ryan is to Boehner.

McConnell is to Bob Dole.

Glenn Beck is to Megan Kelly.

Reagan was to Eisenhower.

Alt Right, get it? John Birchers becoming Tea Potters.

marketing re branding.
Republican becoming a True republican. Rhinos and vs the pure superior being.

Because in Alt right world, there is no stinkin PC.
Blaspeme in church is the truth. Standing up during mass and telling the Priest he is a F-ing liberal shitting on you freedom. Alt right sets you free to re live your mistakes without conscience.
At least I suspect of some of it.

Paul W said...

I tweeted this.

#AltRightMeans Assh-le White

Yes, I went there.

I should expect about 10,000,000 trolls threatening my life within 5... 4... 3...

dinthebeast said...

Well, Trgahan, since is a site for BDSM enthusiasts, perhaps it has something to do with ball gags (ala Alex and Roger) and whips?

-Doug in Oakland

Neo Tuxedo said...

Can someone tell me what the difference is between "Alt" Right and the Right?

When I was in the live chat that accompanied the Ustream feed of this year's Hugo Awards, one of the Sad Puppy observers asked why so many of us have trouble distinguishing between the Sad Puppies and the Rabid Puppies. I replied "For the same reason we have trouble distinguishing between Ryan Republicans and Trump Republicans."

This, as Harlan Ellison said after quoting Brother Theodore's "You can train a rat" monologue as a metaphor for The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai: Across the Eighth Dimension, has been an homiletic analogy.

Anonymous said...

Alt right has not been allowed out of its cage for decades and shamelessly marches under German WW2 flags while claiming to be patriotic.

Anonymous said...

Alt right has not been allowed out of its cage for decades and shamelessly marches under German WW2 flags while claiming to be patriotic.

Anonymous said...

Alt right = fascism. Can we all please just say fascism from now on...because does anybody think the fascists are going to lay down their pitchforks and go home when this campaign is over?

and no, there is no difference between fascism and the right anymore

and no, I'm not a real Rev, I just play one on the internet. But I do claim inventing the concept of the wall,