Friday, May 13, 2016

The GOP: Continuing To Ensure A Healthy Mix Of The Rich And The Ignorant


RUKidding said...

Ugh. Shelly Adelson. Between him and Harpy Coulter, it's hard to say which is a more vile, loathsome, disgusting specimen. So I guess Trump's locked up the Israeli vote, which is ironic considering the blatant and highly publicized Anti-Semitism of many of Trump's supporters. But I'm sure Adelson could give a stuff about that. Ethics? Morals? What quaint outdated notions.

So when are Davie & Chuckie Koch gonna bend their knees to Herr Trump? Can't wait for that genuflection. But it'll be YOOOGE.

Lots of back room wheeling and dealing going on between the Oligarchs, you betcha!

Unknown said...

And in appreciation, The Donald sends Sheldon a set of "Make America Great Again" kneepads.

D. Hussein said...

Adelson's support hasn't exactly been a lucky rabbit's foot for the last two GOP presidential candidates, so I'm not sure how you'd classify this bit of "news." The only good he can do for Trump is to teach him how not to lose money running a casino. He's going to need it, because he won't have The Apprentice to go back to after he loses, and he's going to need a steady source of income to replace it.

Green Eagle said...

Why wouldn't one casino crook endorse another one. Adelson can be sure that Trump is going to do nothing to interfere in his business, since it is Trump's business too.