Friday, September 04, 2015

Today In "Both Sides Do It": Peter Wehner

Q:  Why is the Beltway Media like a TARDIS

A:  Because, on the outside it presents itself as far too small to accommodate any additional passengers.  Sorry Liberals -- No room for you!  But on the inside it is gargantuan with plenty of room for every Centrist asshole with a keyboard and a new way of stringing together the same old bullshit.

Like, say, Peter Wehner who alert reader Unsalted Sinner called to my attention this morning.  Mr. Wehner's New York Times CV tells us that he is "a senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center, served in the last three Republican administrations and is a contributing opinion writer."  So as as servant of the "last three Republican administrations" who is watching in real-time as the ignorant wingnut army he helped to create sacks the political party which he serves (just as the dirty Hippies predicted) take a wild fucking guess as to how Mr. Wehner will frame the Conservative pillage and rapine he is watching from his window?

Clinton, Trump and the Politics of Self-Destruction
SEPT. 3, 2015

RIGHT now it looks very much as if the two major political parties in America are in a race to see which one can destroy itself first.
Mr. Wehner then devotes 3/4 of one paragraph and one fragment of the last sentence of his op-ed to the subject of Donald Trump.  And the other 9.9 paragraphs?
One clue as to how vulnerable Republicans consider Hillary Clinton to be is...

In public Mrs. Clinton often comes across as inauthentic, charmless and brittle...

Mrs. Clinton’s supporters point to her experience as a strength. But that can be a double-edged sword...

During Mrs. Clinton’s eight years as a senator...

...intervening event that may well turn Mrs. Clinton from a weak candidate into a crippled one
Something something private!email!server!
We know from the inspector general of the intelligence community that at least two of her emails contained “top secret” information...
Something something David H. Petraeus!
... a violation that may prove to be lesser than those Mrs. Clinton may have committed.

Mrs. Clinton has lost control of events as a result of an obsessive need to manipulate them...

Mrs. Clinton has already suffered significant political damage...

If nominated, Mrs. Clinton will be the weakest Democratic nominee since Michael Dukakis in 1988...
Welcome back to the 1990s, kids!


Unknown said...

Recently on MSNBC Bernie Sanders was interviewed by Andrea Mitchell. Every question was about Hillary as she tried desperately to bait Bernie. To his credit, Bernie refused to get into the gutter.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry I had to subject you to that, Driftglass, but it had to be done.

Unknown said...

"If nominated, Mrs. Clinton will be the weakest Democratic nominee since Michael Dukakis in 1988..."

I love these kinds of articles. They are the reason Mitt Romney is President of the United States.

dinthebeast said...

Things like this are at least good reasons to smile through one's reservations as she stomps them into the dirt...

-Doug in Oakland

Unknown said...

The LA Times op-ed pages offered a similiar piece of excrement authored by Dick Morris-in-waiting Joe Trippi a couple of days ago. Makes me rethink the whole idea of a media conspiracy.

Unknown said...

Well, it is a broken Rube Goldberg conspiracy if that. Witness Douthat putting on his Doubt Hat in His and the articles he refers to therein must be the greatest amalgam of incomprehensible gnawing, gnashing gibberish I have ever read. The Brooks Brothers have gone completely crayz with mental lessdixia. Not even right-wing blowhards can make any sense of it. It doesn't meet the Turing Test that's for sure. The GOP whigging out is monumental historical spectacle to behold: like getting out the lawn chairs in the middle of the night, laying back, looking up, and watching Sputnik wink as it rolls by.