Thursday, May 28, 2015
Shoutycrackers Idiot Put On Teevee Again Because Reasons
The minute you put a bile-spewing gorgon like Pam Geller on teevee you loan her the credibility of your enterprise. The fact of her presence on your air confirms her worthiness to be there,
The minute you sit down across from a human dumpster fire like Pam Geller to "debate" her you have already lost. The fact of your presence across from her confirms that her position merits such a debate.
The cure for moral disease-vectors like Pam Geller is to shun them. Never give them your platform. Never grant their madness the dignity of your consideration. Let them rave their tedious lunacy on public transit like every other unbalanced bug-eyed Conspiracerian who knows the Terrible Secret Behind It All!
But our media does not shun these people and by-and-large our public figures do not show the grace and good sense of walking out when creatures like Pam Gellar walk in. And no one inside Media, Inc. has yet broken faith with their fellow collaborators to tell us poor rube out here in the Heartland can figure out why.
Today CNN lost.
Chris Cuomo lost.
And the forces of darkness were handed another easy lay-up.
See also, "Coulter, Ann"
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To date, this is how the very few interactions I've had with Never Trumpers have gone, because I want to talk about the Befor...
Among us elitist, Liberal swingin' dicks who live lives of unspeakable privilege and luxury out here in the Middle of Amer...
Our media will never fail to give the worst people in our society a platform and treat them as if their opinions matter.
I've recently commented, on a related issue, that my expectations have now been lowered so much that I no longer even wish to see justice for the Iraq War. I no longer wish to see Cheney et al in prison for war crimes. I no longer wish to see a truth and reconciliation commission. I no longer wish for even an apology or acknowledgement by these neo-cons that they were wrong about everything. None of these things are unreasonable expectations but we don't live in a reasonable society.
All I wish for now is for them to just go quietly into the night and enjoy their ill gotten gains, high fiving each other at private parties on how they got away with it. I wish to no longer see them put on TV as experts on foreign policy. I wish to no longer see them discussed as viable candidates for president. I wish to not see them hawking books trying to explain that recent history didn't happen or trying to justify their actions. I wish only that they would ...just ...go ...away.
This too is a pipe dream. I guess I'm still in the "bargaining" stage of grief.
I must say that the phrase "a human dumpster fire like Pam Geller" is spot on. "Human dumpster fire." I'll have to remember that one.
It seems to me the network calculus for putting Geller on the teevee is her draw as a 21st Century freak show geek. I mean, her set-up to get those people killed in Texas is far more horrific than an old timey geek biting off the heads of chickens. This is a sicko who got people killed and got away with it because "freedom of speech."
Haha. As I was reading your post, I was thinking, "Ann Coulter."
Of course, such guests are good for generating headlines and "controversy" and ratings. Not for informing the public or for providing any meaningful discussion, but that takes greater effort and generally delivers lower profits.
Of course you are absolutely right. And your argument works the other way too: any reasonable person who decides to appear in "conversation" on the Fox News channel is thereby conferring respectability to Lord Haw Haw, and an enterprise aimed always and solely at the destruction of America as we used to know it. E.g., there is no upside to conversing with O'Reilly, Kelly, Hannity, or any of the rest of them, Chris Wallace included, Juan Williams included.
@Red Hand: In fairness, that should be "almost got people killed and got away with it because of 'freedom of speech'". The only people who died were the attempted murderers who were shot in self-defense. And no, "my fee fees are hurt" is not an acceptable reason to get a gun, drive across town and murder a bunch of people. The two dead guys have no one to blame but themselves.
the first words out of this seaward's mouth are "the media and the political academic elites..."
she should get some sort of award for this talking point trifecta...
Perhaps her award should be letting people know where she lives...
Good comments all, and Drifty is right:
"The cure for moral disease-vectors like Pam Geller is to shun them. "
In another story, the GOP clown car rolls on, but Bernie Sanders is not a "serious" candidate say the "serious" people.
Ah, I see the problem - too many "Bad guys"...
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