From TPM:
Texas 3rd-Grade Teacher Resigns After Wishing Ebola Would 'Take Out Obama'A Texas teacher accused of making anti-Muslim slurs and jokes about Ebola infecting President Obama will resign immediately with three months' pay, the Houston Independent School District announced on Thursday.Angela Box, a third-grade teacher in west Houston, made the remarks on episodes of a local conservative political show "Tommy's Garage," the Houston Chronicle reported."Every normal human being in the world knows that goat-fucking Muslims and, oh, boy fucking Muslims, are the evil of the world," Box appears to have said in one of the broadcasts. She also referred to Muslims as "bacon-haters."The teacher also joked she was hopeful President Obama would catch Ebola. "Can't Ebola just take one for the team and take out Obama?" Box said, according to the paper.The Chronicle reported that trustees of the Houston Independent School District unanimously voted to approve Box's resignation on Thursday....
As you know, Mr. Sullivan is America's greatest champion of no one ever suffering any consequences for anything they ever say or any cause they ever aver, no matter how egregiousness or ludicrous or vile.
Except for Liberals.
Because fuck those guys:
Yes, Mr. Sullivan really, really, bitterly detests those goddamn double standards:
...Which is why, when it's Alec Baldwin yelling something stupid over his shoulder (and thereby single-handedly destroying New York's hard-earned reputation as a G-rated, family-friendly Disneyland-on-the-Hudson), Mr. Sullivan absolutely revels in his firing:
What a bunch of hypocrites and phonies on that propaganda network [MSNBC]. They’re almost as bad as GLAAD, which has finally – finally – criticized the bigot. But, of course, they haven’t called on MSNBC to fire him...
There will be no consequences. With liberal homophobes, there never are. If you’re a conservative and are caught yelling these slurs at random people, you’d be fired pronto or buried in an avalanche of gay protest. If you’re a self-entitled liberal, you’re fine. What, I wonder, will MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow, Thomas Roberts and Jonathan Capehart say about this? Nothing, I’ll bet you.I just believe that explicitly homophobic slurs directed at actual human beings as a way to degrade them doesn’t have a “but-he’s-a-liberal” exception. It’s ugly and would not be tolerated if directed against any other minority group. MSNBC did the right thing.And yet...And yet...And yet...when it's Andrew Sullivan's friend Niall Ferguson writing something much more deliberately and premeditatedly destructive, well, hey, let's not get crazy here...
Republicans will literally be unable to respond to this story. Ebb owe la? What the hell is that?
Damn what an obvious fear tactic that was. They shut that thing off like a light switch as soon as the polls closed.
Sounds like Ms Box watches Bill Maher.
Here's one for your because both sides file, courtesy of Politifact
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