The Media Clusterfuck Convergence constinues.
The worse human being in America
was on Fox News Sunday explaining to inbred halfwit bigots from sea to shining sea that the only "race" problem we really have in this country was created by professional race hustlers starting with the Uppity-Negro-in-Chief all the way down the millions and million and millions of African Americans who have been duped into believing that the Party of Jefferson David does not have their is not their best interests at heart:
Still, Limbaugh also almost wholly blamed the reaction to the grand juries’ actions on “grievance politics” that he said was “ripping our fabric apart.“There are too many people profiting off this strife,” he insisted.On Fox, Limbaugh slammed both Obama and Mayor Bill de Blasio (D) of New York for not doing enough to defend the police in the wake of the Michael Brown and Eric Garner deaths.“I don’t think things are perfect and rosy in America,” Limbaugh said, before adding that Obama and de Blasio ignored centuries of racial progress in their recent reactions. “You would think it’s 200 years ago.”...
Also now that the "Eric Garner died because of Liberal Big Gummint Taxes" has tested well in flyover country (and because the Party of Jefferson Davis has literally no other lies in its arsenal big enough to make that video go away) they're sticking with that.
And you know what?
If they just hunker down long enough with their fingers jammed in their ears deep enough yapping Big Gummint bullshit loud enough...sooner that you will believe possible this too shall pass. It works with every mass shooting. It works every time an unarmed black person is murdered by some meatstick with a gun and a sense of entitlement. And in case you hadn't noticed, not a single Wall Street looter or high-ranking Iraq War criminal has lost a wink of sleep or spent a day in jail.
...The radio host added that the “real outrage” in Garner’s death was that someone was killed for selling loose cigarettes, which he said was an outgrowth of liberals’ desire for more government.“If you want a powerful state, there’s your police force,” he said.
I really can't work up much of an angry about Limbaugh or Fox anymore. They exist because there is a hugely profitable market in telling bigots, fascists, theocrats and assorted other American degenerates what they want to hear.
They exist because the institutions which are supposed to keep noxious poison like Fox and Limbaugh in check have sold us all out. For money.
So Boss Rush will go right on getting rich cultivating and harvesting the race panic of the shallow end of the American gene pool right up until the corporate media determines it is in its financial interest to stop him. But until then, while you glean dinky little blogs at the corner of Pariah and Oblivion for nourishment, expect there to always be chair pulled out at Serious Person's feast table for the worst people in America.
And speaking of contemptible whittle shavings from Lester Maddox's pick handle...
...comes now the editor of America's White Supremacist magazine of record, Rich Lowry, to tsk-tsk the Rolling Stone for its low standards of journalism, talk over inconvenient and dispense Conservative dating advice:
One could speculate endlessly on what kind of toxic shithole Lowry must be in real life if he thinks forcing his rodential tongue down some poor women's throat is all part of the dance of love and the pitching of the woo --
-- but I would rather wonder what George Stephanopoulos daydreams about while his horrible guests argle-bargle this claptrap.
I'm guessing he imagines what it might be like to be tall.
And to have a soul.
Hey, speaking of human toilet brushes who burned through their 15 minutes of fame five years ago, how deep into Peggy Noonan's Special Green Room Reserve did Rick Santelli have to spelunke to make this string of nonsense some out of this face hole? (Meet the Press)
RICK SANTELLI: Well, listen, it's a complicated issue. I come from immigrant grandparents. The country would not be what it is if it wasn't for the immigrants in this country. The border, it's important to some conservatives. I understand that. Outsource it to the likes of Google. You could work through this problem. Why do we need this--CHUCK TODD: You'd do a technology thing, huh?RICK SANTELLI: Absolutely. Why do we need this comprehensive plan? Have we not learned anything from the failed roll out of the Affordable Care Act?...
And so forth.
Typical Sunday in our country at the Mouse Circus freak show that set up its tents on the grave of genuine journalism.
The old Randy Newman song "Rednecks" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GWvVTvglsWQ seems as bitterly pertinent today as it was back in the lats 70s.
"Grievance Politics" says tub-o-shit Limbaugh? Well, I guess it just it cannot have occurred to this noxious pustule that perhaps blacks do have "grievances" when time and time again their people are killed in the street by cops with literal impunity.
It's pretty hard not to be ashamed to be American these days. The country is becoming overtly racist again in so many ways.
“There are too many people profiting off this strife,” insisted Limbaugh, who makes $40-$50 million a year.
Edited for clarity.
And speaking of contemptible whittle shavings from Lester Maddox's pick handle...
Beautiful. Rich Lowry's verbal emissions regularly pollute the op ed pages of the Salt Lake Tribune, so - if you don't mind - I think I might slap this label on the little goober in the comments section. The only potential difficulty is that the ignorant racist Mormon rednecks of Salt Valley are going to have zero idea who Lester Maddox was or how whittle shavings might be concept.
And Monster from the Id, if you are listening, I owe you an apology. The other day I witness an attempt at satire that failed catastrophically because the author was not sufficiently over the top - his enemies cheered him as a convert while his allies savaged him as an ignorant douche. If you want to shame somebody you have to amp up his own arguments until even he becomes embarrassed.
Anonymous said...
“There are too many people profiting off this strife,” insisted Limbaugh, who makes $40-$50 million a year.
---And Rushbo is one of them...........
Which raises another question.
****Why does Rush hate capitalism?
I never heard Rush speak favorably for the law enforcement that busted him at the airport with the drugs and viagra labeled in names other than his?
Rush lives in his mind of entitlement, entitlement exclusive to him and his money, Displayed in his court case, Obese cracker-white privilege and purchased outcome.
As for Rick Santelli, Rick Lowry or Rick the prick. None of them bring any knowledge, specialty, expertise to the table.George Snophologhogus merely provides a forum with NO expertise of the subject. Not one of these peacocks
is qualified in any manner other than having an opinion.
They are like Sen. James Inhofe's infamous self proclaimed expertise on Climate Change.
He is actually less qualified to speak intelligently on the subject local TV weather babe.
Someone tell me where Rush earned his dee--eeee-e-e-p knowledge on race in America?
Where did Santelli receive his degree in Government, immigration history,border security and the practical applications of Google without electricity?
Was Rick Lowry presented with the Nobel for his Casanova studies or his doctorate on the mapping to the female submitting zone?
No real information , no informing, no enlightening.
makes you ask, why are they there?
Who are they talking to?
Who feels they are getting informed?
This is and has been a problem for some time.
Apathy, and sleep walking is sure to occur as this continues.
Up next,
Glenn Beck interviews David Duke on the history of black on white racism and crimes..
This is the part I don't understand about you Drifty:
"And in case you hadn't noticed, not a single Wall Street looter or high-ranking Iraq War criminal has lost a wink of sleep or spent a day in jail."
And yet you never seem to be able to articulate why Obama and Holder, et al, have never done a damn thing about just that. Your "fail-safe" come back/logic fall back on "but the repubs are worse."
Perhaps you could elaborate on this seemingly large hole in your argument about why we should vote for the lesser of two evils.
Seems to me you can't have it both ways.
I'll await your answer with bated breath.
@ HB3: You already apologized, and I apologized back for taking your snark seriously. ^_^
Again, that's why I recommend "snark tags". In Web text, one loses all the cues of voice tones, facial expressions, postures of the body, etc. which signify the difference between seriousness and snark in face-to-face interactions.
"There are too many people profiting off this strife,"
It's gotten to the point where it's hard to even stop and notice this is false.
And of course if it were true, free market, bitch. Don't you dare regulate that.
@Anonymous 12:32
Perhaps you could elaborate on this seemingly large hole in your argument about why we should vote for the lesser of two evils.
In all seriousness: if you vote for the Democrats they will disappoint you, if you sit home pouting or throw your vote away on a third party vanity candidate the Republicans will actively work to hurt you. If you are too much a child to understand this point, then you are beyond help and I will not waste any more time on you.
The only way out of this trap is to build up our strength from within the party, cooperating with people we despise in order to minimize the damage the GOP can inflict, and to split off a true leftist party when the time is right.
@Monster tusind tak
And yet you never seem to be able to articulate why Obama and Holder, et al, have never done a damn thing about just that. Your "fail-safe" come back/logic fall back on "but the repubs are worse."
I'll answer, not for DG, but for myself.
The US is not Britain or Paraguay.
It is Rome x 1,000,000,000
If you think Empires and the people who run them are going to cripple their own power because of past wrongdoing, you have no concept of all of history.
The difference between Obama/Biden and McCain/Sarah "DeathPanels" Palin is stark.
But please, quit hoping for sparkle ponys and an infinitely-deep punch bowl of social democracy.
Push the less-degenerate party towards integrity and justice, or move to Montana and write impossible-to-implement manifestos that seek to upend all of civilization, because that's the Pure™ thing to do.
Never vote for someone who will sell you down the river for political expedience, just because they have a "D" after their name.
"Push the less-degenerate party towards integrity and justice..."
By voting for them, and never, ever criticizing them for the good of the party.
BTW, how's that working out for you?
Yes, you got me!
I never, ever criticize them for the good of the party.
Because you say so.
Keep fucking that chicken!
Obviously not as well as the sit at home and let the GOP win plan is working.
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