Friday, August 15, 2014

Today In Late-Breaking Chuck Todd News...

Politico has this Prestone-worthy addition to their already-vast treasury of "Terrifying words they somehow think are reassuring" (highlighted for your ease of use):
Three weeks from Sunday, Chuck Todd, the political obsessive with a knack for polling data and a love of “the game,” will take the reins at NBC’s “Meet the Press” and try, against all odds, to prove a morning news show can still set the national agenda.

Todd won’t need to prove anything to Washington. This town’s political-media establishment has already sanctified him...
We are so screwed. 


milegrinder said...

Don't extortionists usually post the demand along with the threat?

dinthebeast said...

Like my friend Carson used to call it back in the '80s:
Press the Meat.

-Doug in Oakland

bowtiejack said...

Fabulous photoshop. Just fabulous.

steeve said...

Like Russert, he doesn't know the simplest fact about the issue he obsesses over. Is there anyone else on the planet, outside of a "journalist", who doesn't know the basics of their own passion?