"That's what the money is for!".”
–- Don Draper, Mad Men
- Andrew Sullivan continues to punch himself in the face.
- Laura Ingraham cooks up another Purity Pledge that you must sign before she'll let you feel her up.
- Atheists talking to atheists.
- Ralph Nader thinks that Rand Paul kid might be on to something. Also impeach Obama!
Da' money goes here:
Good afternoon, Mr. Glass.
Finished listening to this week’s podcast.
First, I like the Bible Bitch intro, but I think Ms. Gal should sound a little more offended by the misquoting of scripture.
Second, about your atheist commenters saying, “Religion is the problem, and you Christians need to get rid of your superstitious Sky Fairy,” here’s a response from this non-religious, 22-year atheist: imagine that, tomorrow, scientists conclusively proved that none of humanity’s gods really exist, and thus all of our religions are based on falsehoods. Do you really think that the members of the Westboro Baptist Church would respond by cheering, “Finally, we can start tolerating gay people like we’ve always wanted to do! Yahoo!”
I could be wrong, but I suspect religion isn’t so much the reason why people do bad things as it is the excuse they use.
Enjoy your day.
---Kevin Holsinger
Religion is the reason. Attacking conservatism while failing to realize that a combination of ruralness and religion are the driving factors behind both conservatism and fascism is idiotic. You're attacking the symptom instead of the root cause.
Blue Gal is just as much of an enabler as Sulivan or Brooks, and will remain so until she renounces Christianity.
I'll take Brooks over a religious "liberal" any day. It's less of a problem and less bullshit.
Anon, speaking as one of the religious flyover folks you are defending by satirically pretending to attack us--PLEASE KNOCK IT OFF!
Your shtick is getting older than Sanskrit. :P
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