Monday, April 14, 2014

Why It Is Impossible To Communicate With Conservatives, Ctd

Exhibit #187,656:  Ron Christie --
Cynical Race-Baiting Will Fail to Save the Democrats

...the Democrats marked the 50th anniversary of passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 not by hailing the progress we have made as a nation but by resorting to the despicable act of accusing their political opponents of racism to preserve their hold on power in Washington, D.C. Late last week in these pages, I discussed how lack of political civility is destroying the ability of the political process to function in our nation’s Capitol.

Less than a week has passed since that post and it appears clear, now more than ever, that the men and women who call themselves leaders of the Democrat Party will stop at nothing to consolidate their perks and power while they tear the social fabric of our country apart in the process by smearing Republicans as being racist.

This November I predict the American voters will render judgment on Democrat attempts to divide the country on racial lines in a cynical attempt to cling to power. We were promised by Democrats years ago that they would heal old wounds and bring us closer together. By seeking to exploit our ugly past with racial bigotry for political advantage, Democrats should be prepared to have their proverbial chickens come home to roost—the American people are tired of craven political leaders who seek to divide us...
Long ago Conservatism degenerated into little more than a mob of gibbering, always-wrong-but-never-in-doubt lunatics running in circles with their fingers in their ears shrieking "I know you are but what am I!  I know you are but what am I!" at exactly the same time our media decided that it wasn't its job to report this fact.  Under any circumstances.  Ever.

But speaking for all Liberals everywhere, we don't care how many more times MSNBC props this muppet up in front of a camera and lets him run his mouth, we have given up pretending that there is any way for us to usefully interact with people as corrupt, self-deluded and mercenary as this.  Instead our limited time and energy could be more usefully spent making the professional lives of those who give trolls like Christie a platform in the first place unbearably unpleasant.

Also, it's the "Democratic Party" party you fucking child.


OBS said...

Instead our limited time and energy could be more usefully spent making the professional lives of those who give trolls like Christie a platform in the first place unbearably unpleasant.

Can we set aside time for mockery of them and their oh so pure enablers, too? Mockery is fun.

Anonymous said...

Oh goodie, another selection from the "libruls are the real racists" catalog - this time playing the old favorite "Calling out race-baiting assholes in the GOP is the real race-baiting" brought to life by the dulcet tones of Ron Christie!

Bonus track: In a rant about a lack of civility, Christie unironically uses the old conservative favorite "Democrat party".

What tools.

Ema Nymton said...


"This November I predict the American voters will render judgment on Democrat attempts to divide the country on racial lines in a cynical attempt to cling to power."

And pay _NO_ price when wrong!

Ema Nymton

Anonymous said...

The first few times I heard Ron Christie (and it was on MSNBC), I was immediately struck that his entire debate style was various shades if indignation. He blathered talking points, and at the first push-back, OH!, the shrieking and the hand flapping and the pearl clutching.... He is a sassy black drama queen who plays umbrage-in-a-suit very well. He speaks in indignant soundbites, because he knows the audience that pays his stipend will only listen to soundbites from one of his kind.


Anonymous said...

heh: Time once again to trot out this now-very-old, but always appropriate, webcomic by August Pollak (whose blog "SomeGuyWithaWebsite", inactive for ~2 years, has the lights back on again & may be worth an occasional visit):

Mike from CA

Jesus California said...

Ron Christie,Col. Allen West,Justice Clarence Thomas..."Uncle Toms" every one of them. Am I being cynical and divisive? Sorry.

Redhand said...

@ Jesus California

Ron Christie,Col. Allen West,Justice Clarence Thomas..."Uncle Toms" every one of them. Am I being cynical and divisive?

No, you're not being "divisive." "Uncle Tom" strikes me as a perfect description of these three, self-hating clowns and "white culture" sycophants.

Unknown said...

Ron Christie:
...the Democrats marked the 50th anniversary of passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 not by hailing the progress we have made as a nation but by resorting to the despicable act of accusing their political opponents of racism to preserve their hold on power in Washington, D.C.


Ron Christie:
...ack of political civility is destroying the ability of the political process to function...

Exhibit 1
Exhibit 2

Ron Christie:
...smearing Republicans as being racist.

Exhibit 1
Exhibit 2
Exhibit 3

So, why is anyone listening to Ron Christie when a quick Google search discredits his argument COMPLETELY?!?!?

Anonymous said...

Hate to be a blatant raving oculist, but that dude should get himself a pair of dark sunglasses...I still won't be able to take him seriously, but c'mon!

dinthebeast said...

As my friend Jack used to say:
It's nought but an ill wind
that blows forth
from a pig's ass hole...

-Doug in Oakland

RoninMichigan said...


Wait a sec, i haven't even read the post yet. Let me go read the post then i'll be back to comment. But that photo is absolutely hilarious.

RoninMichigan said...

Ok, i've read it. Classic Rovian projection. This character is from the same 'school of journalistic integrity' as Mr. Armstrong Williams. He'll parrot any talking point the right ask him to as long they tell him he is their (black) guy.

Anonymous said...

That man is always cross eyed and looks like he's about to take a shit.

Anonymous said...

Ron Christie, a black male who's still doesn't understand why the room at the Republican Club suddenly gets quiet when he walks in. Sad.