Friday, September 06, 2013

Professional Left Podcast #196b -- Bonus Podcast

In which we speculate recklessly about the possible outcome of a popular teevee series which is about to come to an end.

Da' money goes here:


Anonymous said...

Hank is a "ggod guy", WTF!? Have you not heard him dismiss fellow human beings as worthless shit-stains, scum-bags etc? All for having committed the unpardonable sin of violating, or having violated, current prohibition statutes.

Anonymous said...

unrelated, but these people live near you:

why they need help:

Anonymous said...

Where's the regular show? It's fine if there isn't one (it's free) but I'm wondering if my links are broken or something else.

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

Hank is a "ggod guy", WTF!?

Nobody in the show is a good guy, anymore. Not even Marie; they went to pains to show her flaws in the early shows, with the shoplifting side-plot.

wait...I can think of a couple of 'good guys'. Badger and Skinny Pete!

Cinesias said...

I haven't listened to the podcast, but I've been predicting that Hank would eventually take over the business from Walt.

Maybe not, but it sure would be a cool way to end the show.

Breaking Bad, indeed.

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

I've been predicting that Hank would eventually take over the business from Walt.

I've been leaning toward Skyler, myself.

Jack said...

Thanks very much for this BrBa podcast. EXTREMELY interesting conversation about an amazing television show. You guys should do this for each of the last 3 episodes!