Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Galt's Gulch TeeVee is On The Air

After answering fingerpuppet "questions" For 15 minutes, the host of the eponymous "Ron Paul Channel" makes Mr. Greenwald his very first guest.

For the record, this is either the third or fourth time Mr. Greenwald has humblebragged his personal heroism and fidelity to the Constitution in the face of a sinister cabal of "very prominent politicians and journalists" who he hints are seriously toying with the possibility of having Mr. Greenwald clapped in irons (after which he would presumably be tossed into a supermax hellhole to be held incommunicado until he died or until President Rand Paul pardons him.)

For the record, that claim is bunk.

Enjoy the show.


mahakal said...

Welcome to Ron Paul's 700 Club.

zombie rotten mcdonald said...


Unknown said...

Sorry, is there something specific that's false in Mr. Greenwald's statements here?

Ron Paul is repugnant, but Droneglass' tireless efforts at creating 'guilt by association' reflect only on the weakness and bad faith of his own arguments.

Pinkamena Panic said...

Racist LL watches racist GG and racist RP fellate each other and cheers because his deeply-held beliefs on why Those Browns, Poors, and Wimmens ought to shut up while Us Rich White Menfolks are discussing Real Important Stuff What Concerns Us Rich White Menfolks are not challenged, even for a goddamn second.

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

yeah! How dare you malign Ron Paul by associating him with known liar Glenn Greenwald?

Unknown said...

I see from the responses above that Hillary's team is already attracting the Best and the Brightest for 2016.

Free Bradley Manning!
U.S. Imperialism: Hands off Assange, Snowden!

Pinkamena Panic said...

I think we broke his script.

kfreed said...

That video has been taken down, but I found another if you'd like to replace your video link:

I think it's good for people to get a load of Greenwald on Ron Paul's "700 Club" (h/t mahakal)

Up next, Greenwald Interview on InfoWars...