Tuesday, November 06, 2012
Election Night
Tonight is the night when our collective civic unconscious puts on its party dress and fuck-me shoes and comes slouching out of the swamp. It is Democracy's Prom Night, and whether you wake up tomorrow full of fond memories and renewed hope, or face down, naked, in a pool of your own sick all hinges on the whim of nine low information, undecided voters in the People's Republic of Ohio.
Still, whatever the outcome, what the last 8,000 months of continuous campaigning has taught me is how completely we are now two separate countries living in a hostile, shotgun marriage. Time will change this of course (“A hundred years from now? All new people.” -- Anne Lamott) but until the nursery and the grave bulldoze American Conservatism onto the ash heap of history the lessons of this elections -- that one Party can run a successful campaign based almost entirely on bald-faced lies, unremitting obstruction, money and dodging honest questions...that the national media are mostly gelded dolts or complicit co-conspirators...and that either slightly more or slightly less that half of the voting public has absolutely no problem with this arrangement -- are deeply disturbing.
Because as one wag once said, we as a nation cannot endure permanently half-Fox and half-free.
We will become all one thing, or all the other.
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To date, this is how the very few interactions I've had with Never Trumpers have gone, because I want to talk about the Befor...
Among us elitist, Liberal swingin' dicks who live lives of unspeakable privilege and luxury out here in the Middle of Amer...
You're not helping. I'd take half-Fox over all Fox at this point.
That is not dead which can eternal lie,
And with strange aeons even death may die.
The Call of Conservatives...
Bye Bye Mittens!
You dont have to go home.sss....but ya cant stay in the White House!!!!
This is the second and the last time I'm going to ask the admin, “why you didn't want to remove the attribute gadget on your weblogs?” The first time I'd ask you about this is commented at http://driftglass.blogspot.com/2012/11/professional-left-podcast-152.html (Please respond, thank you!)
All your battle-grounds states are belong to us...
Mark Anthony B. Dungo,
On election night this is what worries you?
This really bothers you doesn't it?
I am still nervous that Obama may not carry the popular vote. If this happens, the right will loose their shit. Fer realz. Into the Bush administration I had to listen to people say that Clinton wasn't legitimately president because he only carried 48% of the popular vote in one of his terms. Given that Obama is already a Kenyan Marxist Socialist Communist Musliminist Anti-Collonialist, and therefore intelligible for presidency, if he doesn't carry the popular vote, I really think we will see some ugly demonstrations by the end of the week.
I'm much more worried Obama will go for the Grand Bargain, and reduce Social Security and MediCare benefits in exchange for raising taxes on the 1% what amounts to their tip money (which will then be reduced through loopholes within a couple of years).
What if people just stopped watching?
It's not impossible, it could happen.
The constant joke about how the Fox News demographic is mostly elderly shut- ins and rural rubes may end up being the kernel of the truth that finally kills them.
This President encapsulates a quality that no other president in my life has had: He is cool.
All of the real pop culture icons have lined up behind him...and actually like him for who he seems to be, not just for his political agenda. He is kind of the perfect main character for this short attention span..American Idol Twitterdom we now live in.
This election may break the fever...People may just slowly turn and walk away from everything Fox New represents.
MSNBC's ratings have been climbing during this election cycle....It could happen..This whole election could have just been the "at long last have you no decency" moment..for Fox Fucking News.
What if the economy improves even more? What is going to happen when Obamacare is fully implemented?
Things could get ...good...
Who wants to turn to the 24/7 fear network when things start going well?
It could happen..
Good morning, Mr. Glass.
Poor Nate "And yet it moves." Silver. Only got 100% of his predictions right. F*cking math.
Well said Drifty. Well said indeed!
The prom did leave some nice memories including the denouement of the House of Representative's newest Commie hunter (West) and the righteous smackdown of several pro-rape politicians (hmmm, why didn't those republican women vote for them??).
Yet, in all, I cannot shake the feeling that we've just been through a two year version of the NFL-NBA-NHL-MLB-BCS playoff program circus - all designed to keep the rubes tribal and at each others throats while the plutocrats take the last pennies from their pockets.
Best to ignore Mark Anthony whatever - he's trying to get an opening to push his business.
As a corollary to the "the nursery and the grave bulldoze American Conservatism onto the ash heap of history" line, the Birth Announcements and Obituary section is cataloging it.
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