Friday, October 19, 2012

President Romney

He and his backers have big plans for you.


Merdog said...

We could have a war. Not a real one, mind you, but we could show those antiAmerican bastards whatfor! Know what I'm sayin?
Remember the pickup trucks with all the flags just before Iraq? We can have that again, people. The pride, the unity......the absolution.
It's yours again, through me.
Or you've got the hippies.

Anonymous said...

Careful, Drift, Tagg may try and take a swing at ya.

blackdaug said...

"The Illustrated Romney", constantly trying to project what he thinks his current audience wants to see, but frustrated by his lack of common experience with any sentient human.
Is it a robot or just a very high functioning sociopath? How frightening is it that he has any support at all? Maybe Mormon mythology is true...and we are all living on the planet that is Mitt's heavenly reward. I bet the thought has crossed his mind...

Hamfast Ruddyneck said...

Obama is running on a miserable record--although that misery is largely the result of Obama's foolish continuation of the economic and foreign policies of the Chimperial Cheney Assministration, only in a less insane fashion.

Caveat: I say "foolish" assuming that Obama actually wants to win. If he has been the "made man" of the Malefactors Of Great Wealth all along--because the MOGWs knew they couldn't have a GOP candidate win the 2008 Prez election without rigging that election beyond the limits of plausible deniability--then he may be happy to have one term and be set for life financially.

For whatever reasons, Obama has put himself in a similar position to Carter in 1980, so I'll say it again: the real question is "Why isn't Romney heading for the same kind of landslide Reagan won in 1980?"

Indeed, Romney still trails Obama 286-248-4 (NH, which has 4 EVs, is tied), according to (Oct. 20 map)

Aside: Come to think of it, the last GOP Prez candidate to win an election indisputably was Bush Senior in 1988. I expect everyone who comments on this blog agrees that Bush Junior stole both of his "victories".

My guess is that the main reason Romney hasn't taken the lead yet, and may indeed lose, is that the GOP has become the party of Scary Crazy People, and even if Richie Retch Romney isn't a member of the SCP himself, he must pander to them to make sure they turn out on Election Day. If enough non-SCPs in the purple states are sufficiently scared of the SCPs to get out and vote for Obummer, he will win in spite of his record.

Of course, all of the above assumes that the MOGW haven't designated a winner already, and so the election is merely theatrical. If the MOGWs have chosen Obummer, that probably means they really want to kill Social Security and Medicare, and only a treacherous, nominally Democratic Prez can do that: "Only Nixon could go to China".


Anonymous said...

'Myth' Romney...

doodahman said...

Hah. I agree with Anonymous, above. Free Porn for all. As for your post, I guess it's hard to give credibility to someone who sees the lies of one side but not the other. That's not perceptive, it's just shilling. But whatever.

Brooklyn Girl said...

He really is a nasty piece of work.

Anonymous said...

Post-Debate Pierce: "That is what history always has told us about the career of Willard Romney: sooner or later, he will sell your ass out to the highest bidder and walk away whistling in the general direction of anything to which he feels entitled. In this case, that would be the leadership of the Free World."

Hoping for this (somehow) 'shopped...