Thursday, October 18, 2012

Mark Halperin: A Head in Need of a Pike

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Within the first :50 seconds (video begins with an ad), Mark Halperin succinctly explains his highly successful and profitable theory of journalism:

"A Lie"

"Both Sides"

(h/t @JasonHitchcock) 


D. said...

Ya know, when the ad is less pandering than the talking head, something is wrong.

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

That's not just Halperin, it's "all of 'em".

But yeah, Halperin is one of the worst.

I'm rooting for TIME (with Joke Line and Halperin) to follow Newsweak down the toilet.

Cinesias said...

Your headline is relevant to a lot of of the Fascists and their enablers.

A lot.

marindenver said...

Good for Mika for pushing back that Romney did lie about his binders and binders and binders FULL of wimmenz!

I don't watch Morning Joe for, among many other reasons, it comes on at 4 in the a.m. here (for which I will get up for very little at that time) but just seeing what an asshole tool Joe Scarborough and Halperin and just about everyone else on the show is BLECH!!

Pinkybum said...

The "both sides do it" bullshit was bad enough but the haranguing of Mika Brzezinski for having the audacity to call out Mitt Romney was appalling. Could Joe Scarborough have his head any further up Romney's ass?

Jeanne said...

If this were on facebook i would click like.

Neo Tuxedo said...

I've said it before, and I'll go right on saying it until FOXPAC goes off the air: the very existence of Morning Joe disproves the canard that FOXPAC is some kind of "fair and balanced" media oasis in a sea of liberal bias. At least until FOXPAC gives Gary Condit his own show which he is allowed to run along the same petty-feudal lines as Sean Hannity and Bill O'Reilly.

(Actually, any fule kno that's not a perfect metaphor, since Chandra Levy wasn't found dead in Condit's office, but that's what you get, living in a universe where reality, as TV's best conservative lamented, has a well-documented liberal bias.)

Bukko Boomeranger said...

In this day of instanews EVERYTHING, who reads a dead-tree artifact that only comes out once a week? (And I say thst as someone who got his start in a previous career as a newspaper on smalltown weeklies, for which I still see a local-niche role.) The answer is "people like my Mom" who are in their late 70s or older and don't WANT to learn how to use a computer. (Because it's too hard, and there is dangerous stuff like viruses on it, and the information is too confusing, yet she continues to pay for a high-speed connection that one of her former caretakers talked her into. She would still be subscribing to post-box delivery of the Washimoonie Times if it had not stopped doing home delivery to her $500,000+ house in rural Anne Arundel County, Md. THAT'S who subscribes to Newsweek (RIignominy) and Time.

Grung_e_Gene said...

A Shill never undercuts the Con Man while there are engaged in the Grift!