Friday, September 14, 2012

Professional Left Podcast #145


“I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: 'O Lord make my enemies ridiculous.' And God granted it.”  
-- Voltaire

Thanks, blackdaug, for pointing out that my script code was FUBAR.


Da' money goes here:


Anonymous said...

Hey Drifty,
What do you do when Julien Assange refuses to turn himself over to the police? At what point is it legit to gun him down? He is wanted by the authorities for questioning in regard to potentially illegal activities, he is not willing to turn himself in, he will not stop doing what he is doing and he doesn't appear to be headed to the Swedish Embassy anytime soon.

blackdaug said...

No matter which browser I use..I am not seeing a link here...

Anonymous said...

blackdaug said...

Whew! I thought maybe you had disabled all my browsers for the inevitable "Lets say bad things about Blackdaug" cant fool me. I know its least that's what my cat keeps telling me...

Lawrence said...

MotherJones has a piece up about the right wing internet conspiracy theory that the marines in Egypt and Lybia were defeated because they were carrying unloaded rifles. Due, of course to the President's limp wristed Muslim loving ways. Untrue, refuted by the marine corps. But perhaps they misremember it from when it did happen in 1983 in the Beirut barracks bombing. Who was Commander In Chief then? Hmm...

blackdaug said...

In regards to the escalating eliminationist rhetoric on social media and the internet in general: Recently, I clicked on a link in a blog post regarding one of the more preposterous lies spouted at the Tampa convention. It took me to an article on one of the more mainstream right wing sites. (I can't recall which one it was, its been a few weeks..but anyway..) the article itself was just what you would expect..boilerplate mainstream right wing bullshit.. but I went down in to the comment sections and discovered the real horror show. One commenter started the ball rolling by saying he had "heard"..."Obama visited a school recently and demanded that all american flags be taken down for his visit".
The following comments, you might think would be incredulous...or at least questioning the source..but you would be mistaken.
The very next comment was:"..that is treason and he should be arrested for it"....and it got worse from there. I stopped reading when one suggested "other solutions". These were not moderated out, or edited..and had nothing to do with the original article.
You talk about Rush's listeners being a dead loss, and you are absolutely right. The most dangerous thing is that they exist in a different and closed media ecosystem. One where the most outlandish claims are never questioned. (*Rush claimed this week that Al quieda set up Bin Laden so that Obama would be re-elected...anybody in the mainstream even bother to refute that? Romney boldly states "I will never remove God from our currency!"...WTF??). In that ecosystem, the most outlandish ideas are never challenged or contested...and they never hear an opposing view. The only time the inhabitants of that ecosystem might overlap with those of the real world..are in the big time mainstream media, and that is the biggest tragedy. When David Gregory lobs softballs at Romney, or Bob Bennett smirks his way through another "other" dog whistle, it only serves as a passive affirmation of the complete madness heard in vast wingnutia. Rush listeners don't read you or Krugman, or Peirce..or even Huffpo..but they just might catch "Meet The Press"..and they never hear a damn word there to contradict the mountain of insanity being hammered in to their heads day in and day out from their own closed system.
I know full well why you go after the centrist enablers, because what they enable is almost too horrible to contemplate. There are some really sick people out there, cultivating insanity after insanity amongst themselves..and they are not hiding their shared delusions or paranoia from anyone anymore.

Jack said...

Excellent diavlog, as usual.

You know, I generally agree with almost everything you and Fran say, and I'm a huge fan of the show and hugely appreciative of what you both do, and the amazing talent and energy with which you both do it. You're an incomparable couple, and each essential to the success the show has enjoyed. I can't imagine it could be so good without the mixture of talents and insights that each of you brings to the enterprise.

I do, however, remain shocked at Fran's apparent absolutely certainty that this election is "over" and in the bag for Obama. That's a staggering degree of overconfidence. I seriously do not get how anyone can be so certain of the outcome given who we are up against, the media's determination to help conservatives, the new voter ID laws, the purges of voter rolls, and the countless tricks Republicans will use on election day, from challenging voters at the polls to jamming the phones at Democratic "get out the vote" organizations.

Have we not seen the polls that show Obama's margin over Romney is razor thin? Once the bounce dissipates, as bounces almost always do, we'll be lucky if Obama gets to November with a 2% margin over Romney. Is a 2% margin in the polls going to be enough to make up for all the votes that will be lost due to GOP dirty tricks? Is it enough of a margin to justify Fran's utter conviction that there is only one possible outcome in this election?

I'm old enough that I still remember who won the election in 2000 ... and who then became president. I remember all the shenanigans on election day, when Republicans pulled a dozen different tricks to suppress the Democratic vote. I remember Republicans providing many more voting machines to Republican districts than Democratic ones, so lines would be much longer where Democrats vote.

I can understand the case for *confidence* that Obama will win. I don't happen to share it, but I understand it. Obama *is* leading in the polls, after all. And Nate Silver *does* project very good odds of an Obama victory, given current conditions. (In other words, "if the election were held today," which it won't be, Obama has very good chances of winning.)

What I do *not* understand is how anyone who lives in the United States, is aware of GOP tricks, and has witnessed recent national elections can possibly be convinced, like Fran, that the outcome of this election is already known.

schnell abnehmen said...

very good post

Unknown said...

The outcome of the presidential election is known. The next president is not known.

Anonymous said...

One of the things I've learned from playing Dungeons & Dragons is this:

There is not a lie in the world that reeks to strongly of horseshit that a fundamentalist won't roll in it for a buck.

Now that non-thinking Bible-idolatrous right-wing Christianity has saturated the Republican party, the same mentality holds.

Mike K.

Bukko Boomeranger said...

OK DG, right after you said "breast" for the SECOND time, you said "Mitt Romney comes." You and your filthy mouf! I'm turning the podcast off right now. Except I heard you say "bullshit" in the time it took me to type this. My ears, my burning Ivory Snow ears!

P.S. Kathleen Parker wanted to be the Maureen Dowdy of the Right. But all she does is make MoDo seem (almost) talented and funny by comparison.