Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Trying to Stop Conservatives with Graphs and Logic


Is like trying to stop a tank with a smile and a pitcher of lemonade.


Anonymous said...

Dear Xenu... Someone actually drug *Christine O'Donnel*... CHRISTINE FUCKING O'DONNELL... in front of a camera and asked her a question.....


Short version: Still not a witch. Still a blithering twat. Jesus Freedom Founding Fathers, G~d Bless America!


T_P_K said...

Hey— a couple of the biggest tools are missin'...

HitandMiss said...

This is something I would love for you and DG to talk more about,

It’s clear that the right has a lot of money behind it and keeps pushing for an oligarchy.

The left keeps expecting truth and justice to win out, except we all know that truth and justice don’t beat 1 billion dollars. Most people don't notice or don’t care that the system is being destroyed and will only wake up when the end times come.

We need a better plan then expecting people to do the right thing and for the system to work, and waiting for a white knight to come along and save us, isn’t going to cut it. Obama was a noble effort but his presidency has been testament to how much money they have and what it can buy.

We either need matching funds or a plan, and as much as I morally object to the idea of rigging the system by court packing like they did. I don't see any other way that will change the course quickly enough. Could/Would Obama pack the Supreme Court, so we could bring some big cases that radically change the system?