Friday, August 24, 2012


Also Mr. Tom Friedman wrote a bunch of silly things in a Big City newspaper.

What a silly man!


moorespeed said...

Pooties. The preferred juvenile internet terminology for kittens is, "pooties".

You can't fling the jingo if you don't know the lingo! :)

blackdaug said...

Awwwwwwwwww. Couldn't you find a cuter kitten???

Bukko Boomeranger said...

If the NYT would print BIIIIIG pictures of kewt kittehs like this on its idiotorial page, I bet readers would find them more pleasing than Friedmustache and Bobo clownlums. Bonus points if they threw in the baby ducks.

Imagine it! "Today's David Brooks op-ed has been replaced by this photo of fuzzy kittens and and downy ducklings. Enjoy." Srsly -- the positive letters to the editor would waaaaay outweigh the ones saying "Where's my twice-weekly dose of conventional pabulumowisdom?"