Thursday, July 19, 2012

Yesterday In America's Newspaper of Record

"Companies that outsource jobs become more competitive. They grow faster and then end up hiring more people at home. Outsourcing increases employment levels. Outsourcing increases productivity."

-- David Brooks, 07/18/12, continuing his long tradition of pulling more dubious items out of his ass than ten drug mules and the Boy's Town ER on Mardi Gras.  

This one was a nice touch too
" policy is distorted to please the green tech industry..."
failing as it does to mention this little bit of context:
Average annual support for the oil and gas industry has been $4.86 billion (1918-2009), compared to $3.50 billion for nuclear (1947-1999) and $0.37 billion (1994-2009) for renewable energy.

As was this
"Finally, [Romney] could pull out Abraham Lincoln, who gave more speeches on economic policy than he ever did on slavery. He understood that capitalism is the surest path for those who believe in personal transformation."

failing as it does to mention that Abraham Lincoln thought David Brooks was an insufferable twat:
"Labor is prior to, and independent of, capital. Capital is only the fruit of labor, and could never have existed if labor had not first existed. Labor is the superior of capital, and deserves much the higher consideration."

-- Abraham Lincoln, December 3, 1861


One Fly said...

When sonsofbitches like this spew their shit there is no nicey nicey. Mercun Taliban they are and don't just dislike them but the more appropriate word is hate because they are allowed to say this endlessly and have been successful in getting people to agree with their lies.

We're really screwed.

Anonymous said...

I love that Lincoln quote. There are Adam Smith quotes that are similar, and totally at odds with present-day "Conservative" orthodoxy.

With regard to subsidies, the other thing that springs to mind (straight from Econ101, if I recall correctly) is "negative externalities." Coal in particular is cheap largely because the cost of mining and burning it is not fully accounted for.

But it's much easier too fool people with simplistic fables than to educate them, and so Mr. Brooks can do what he does.

Habitat Vic said...

I'm inclined to agree, One Fly. Over 15 years of Fox News and 24 years of Rush nationwide have brainwashed - in the true sense of the word -a huge number of lower income people into voting against their interests.

Just yesterday I made small talk with the cashier in a Walmart (I know, sorry), mid-30s overweight & likely low income/information. Mention the hot weather in Madison, and she just rails that "all these Madison Liberals" will think the hot weather is related to Global Warming. Bet she has little or no health insurance, proudly voted for Gov Walker, etc.

We are stuck for a long time with a 35-40% block of possibly violent, pro-authoritarian, anti-science conservative voters. Took 20-30 years to make them (I think 20% or so will always be there) and it may take that long to reduce their numbers. If we survive as a democracy and get the chance.