Friday, July 06, 2012

Made in America

With every public lie that is merely weighed and rated for its cleverness by our Beltway media and every fraud that flies into the American marketplace of ideas completely unchallenged, our capacity to govern ourselves grows that much weaker, the price we will soon have to pay for our folly gets that much higher, and the mainspring of a terrible machine is wound that much tighter.


Frank Stone said...

A bit of humor to balance that grim (but sadly accurate) message: It seems that the writers of MADtv predicted the ascendancy of Mitt Romney several years ago.

Lit3Bolt said...

Take Andrew Sullivan to the woodshed for">this. Please.

The idea of him patting himself and his buddies on the back for concluding that voodoo economics, were, are, and will continue to be voodoo economics, 32 years too late, 32 years after defending the most pernicious ideas of the Right, while saying they had to come to this courageous mode of thinking and morals in the "face of institutional liberal scorn," while glibly dismissing every single person who has suffered and died by these failed, thieving policies and wars disguised as governance...

It's too much. I'm so enraged that I'm starting to believe he is in fact, trolling us.

No human being could be this non-sentient, self-absorbed, and feckless.

No political commentator could be this ignorant of basic history and journalism.

No one calling themselves a Christian has any right to feel this privileged and smugly self-satisfied for figuring out what has been obvious since Nixon.

Except for...Andrew Sullivan, Defender of the Faith, the Philosopher-King of Sybarites, Emperor of Haploid Political Minotaurs, Lord of Glib Self-denial and author of The Facetious Soul.

Merdog said...

I'm afraid I can't do that, Dave.

blackdaug said...

I am beginning to wonder what the debates? (debate?)are / is going to look like. Will there be more than one? Will the Mittronome camp insist upon Hannity as the moderator? How can they expect him to shovel forth lie after lie when he has to face the Mr.Spock of instant statistical and policy recall? Can I take a drink every time Obama has to use the word "disingenuous" in rebuttal? Does Amazon sell a good consumer grade stomach pump?

steeve said...

Mitt will do just fine in the debates, as Palin did before him. The criterion for success in any debate is the ability to successfully utter words while standing.

Bukko Boomeranger said...

"Debate" as defined by Noot Gingrinch means "insulting your opponent on stage." Not having well-thought-out counterpoints. If you say nasty things on camera with a sneer or a smirk, that's what reich-wingers see as "good debating."

Batocchio said...

That one's a keeper. (Although Mitt Romey is no Yul Brynner.)