Friday, July 06, 2012

After Reading Mr. Brooks' Incomprehensible Glop...

...about Prince Hal, recess and Ritalin, I just assumed that his daughter has been dating a greaser or beatnik, and that after spending four days sharing a Aspen Ideas Festival hookah with Andrea Mitchell and Jeffrey Goldberg, this was the only way he could squeeze his repressed, middle-aged suburban Daddy angst out of the tube.

Mr. Pierce has a different theory.

1 comment:

Bukko Boomeranger said...

I don't read Bobo in the NYT. (I barely read the news stories in the NYT any more, especially since the dropped the free reads to 10 a month before the firewall kicks in. You probably already know that if you read the NYT via a Firefox browser and you clear cookies on it, it resets whatever the Times uses to track you, so you get another 10 free reads, ad infinitum. But I mostly don't give a flying fcuk what the Voice of the Establishment has to say.)

That said, who pays any attention to Bobo? Do you think that people with the real power in society are influenced by his babblings? (Can we call them "brookselings"?) Tom Friedmustache, yeah, I think Congriftsmen and their staffs might think he makes sense. But David Chowderverb? Aside from middlebrow would-be intellectuals who watch him on PBS, I can't see that he has any importance to merit the regular rogering he gets from you, Pierce and others. For every word David Dumkopf writes, other people write about 10 words to riposte him.

However, since you linked to Pierce and I had not read him yet today -- I make it a point to get a Pierce fix every day, but I'm working midnight shifts at the moment and so was asleep during the daytime -- I read Moral Hazard's analysis. It was worth it just for this line:

"This may be the God Particle of moronic right here."

That single sentence is better than the whole of what Bobo has written all year. Not that you're bad, Mr. Drifter, but you're more of a straightforward outraged insult guy. Pierce writes like a stiletto bent into a fishook with a lefthand twist. I bet he influences more thought-leaders than Bobo does. I hope so, at least.