Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Dwight Eisenhower: Raving, Freedom-hating Socialist


Anonymous said...

I've been calling myself an Eisenhower Democrat for years now. That speech is a good example of why, in addition to the much higher tax rates at that time, which led to one of the strongest and fastest growing economies of all time.

Yes, Ike would have trouble running as a Democrat today because he would be too liberal, and of course as any "progressive" blog reader knows, it's all Obummer's fault since he's either 1.) a naive fool, or 2.) a Wall St trojan horse. Take your pick.

Anonymous said...

FSM on a stick, if he ran today he'd run into a pilke of swiftboaters proclaiming that he lied about his service in WWII, and that he was secretly a defeatist because he wrote a letter taking responsiblity for the failure of the invasion of Normandy.

Anonymous said...

My father loved Ike, but didn't vote for the man who was his commander during WWII... because he wasn't liberal enough. He was an New Deal liberal and a Stevenson man.

I'm glad he's not around to witness what's become of our media, and our politics.

Cinesias said...

Ike was a decent Republican. He'd have been much better had he not helped the fascists overthrow a bunch of democratically-elected governments world-wide. When in Rome, I guess.

I'm not a secret-conspiracy nut since the oligarchs are doing their bullshit right out in the open, but sometimes I wonder.

Why did Eisenhower wait until he was virtually out of office to criticize the military industrial complex?

Why did Truman wait until after Kennedy was assassinated to criticize the CIA, which he himself established?

Some people love living in an Empire. I can't fucking stand it.

jim said...

Lest we forget, there's an interesting little edit in that speech: Eisenhower originally referred to it as "The Military-Industrial-Congressional Complex" ... until his advisors warned him of the shitstorm that phrase would unleash on him.