Thursday, May 10, 2012

Stupid Shit Andrew Sullivan Says, Ctd.

"But I have to say I was taken aback by the hackish partisanship these groups displayed on a day like yesterday. To be gay and be partisan yesterday seems to me like a classic example of what has gone wrong with our political conversation. Here's my friend, Clarke Cooper, of LCR:
"That the president has chosen today, when LGBT Americans are mourning the passage of Amendment One, to finally speak up for marriage equality is offensive and callous."
"Anyone who watched that interview and believed that it was offensive and callous is, well, lost. ...

"No deal, guys. Are you just nasty partisan hacks or part of a civil rights movement?"

-- Andrew Sullivan, 05/10/12
Nice friends you've got there, Andrew.

Seriously, after spending so many years watching the vindication of Liberal critiques of the depravity, bigotry and nihilism of American Conservatism over and over and over again -- like clockwork and with a bloody vengeance -- that Mr. Sullivan continues to react with shocked incredulity every time another one of his Conservative "friends" turns out to be a partisan goon raises the bar on the art of being willful obtuseness for all hacks everywhere.

It's like watching the stunned look on a junkie's face the moment he finally figures out that his dealer never really gave a shit about him...

...and then capturing that moment and putting it on a Moebius loop...

...which is then played again and again,

...every day

...every week

...every month

...every year



chrome agnomen said...

the funny thing is, i like sully right where he is, with his head firmly lodged in his sphincter. he's been so wrong on so many things for so long, and unapologetic, to boot, that i would deeply distrust any epiphany he might have. let him wander in the fucking wilderness for a decade or three.

Anonymous said...

It's like watching the stunned look on a junkie's face the moment he finally figures out that his dealer never really gave a shit about him...

Or the look on just about every NBA guy that has a foul called on him...

bluicebank said...

I don't know. I think the conservatives are all at a large dining table, eating with their hands and feet. Every once in a while diners like Sullivan take offense that most in the room haven't tucked in their bibs. Those slobs.

Anonymous said...

I actually agreed with the Clarke Cooper / Log Cabin quote when I first read it. I agreed that if Obama had said this a couple days earlier, the unusually harsh and draconian law in NC may have had a different outcome. I agree with the LCR quote in that it seems to be a day late and dollar short. I saw nothing partisan in that comment.


Anonymous said...

Because the backwoods hicks they pulled out of the woods to vote for the stupid thing would have changed their mind if they knew Obama supported gay marriage?? Yeah..right...

robo said...

"To be gay and partisan *yesterday*..." is such bad form.

To be gay and partisan over several decades? No problem.