Monday, May 07, 2012

Stupid Shit Almost-President McSame Says

"The absolute, most important aspect is, if something happened to him, would that person be well qualified to take that place?" said McCain. "I happen to believe that was the primary factor in my decision in 2008. And I know it will be Mitt's."

on the national good that led him to pick the
Scintilla from Wasilla as his running mate.
Yadda yadda ACORN.
Yadda yadda Saul Alinsky.
Yadda yadda Soros!

Television is full of well-paid individuals who work every day to make sure that people like crazy, old, Grandpa Walnuts never spend more than a day or two our out of lying ranges of a teevee camera.

Those people's names and professional contact information should be more widely known.

Much more widely known.

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