Friday, May 11, 2012

Professional Left Podcast #127

"I was out-niggered, and I will never be out-niggered again."
-- George C. Wallace, 1958 imparting the advice that 
has been the electoral pole star of 
American Conservative politics
for the last +40 years.


Da' money goes here:


zombie rotten mcdonald said...

Your remembrance of Jake was great.

Mister Roboto said...

Obama's recent stance on gay marriage doesn't entirely make up for his siccing the DEA on medical marijuana dispensaries across the country after specifically promising in his 2008 campaign that he wouldn't do that, but I guess it's a start.

steeve said...

One more thing about millionaire pundits is that it makes no economic sense. Replacing a star athlete or actor with some random person costs a ton of money in sales and such, but replacing a pundit costs nothing.

Who the hell is going to stop watching Hardball if Matthews is replaced with some other loud blowhard? Is there a shortage of loud blowhards? There is zero market value for a pundit. There isn't a drop of economic sanity to their making more money than an unskilled laborer, because that's what they are.

Back in the day pundits were actually good at something or other. But back in the day they didn't make big money.

jurassicpork said...

I apologize in advance if you live in any of these states so don't say I didn't warn you about my list of the 25 Most Embarrassing States in America, perhaps my most vicious post of all time (DG, I was especially vicious with Illinois).

Mister Roboto said...

@jurassic: The whole country pretty much became an embarassment back in November 2010. I'm actually very concerned about my home state of Wisconsin, though. Movement Conservatives can always be counted to be both very sore winners and very sore losers, so it's difficult to imagine the acrimonious climate those jackholes have created here will just go away on the morning of June 6 regardless of how the recall goes.