It is perfectly fine; not quite the direction I would have taken, but Our Mr. Brooks' $4 million house has many mansions (John 14:2, revised Centrist edition.)
Since he and I are just about the only two writers in America who regularly defenestrate David Brooks, I am also wondering what the odds are that Mr. Pierce would decide to riff lightly on Juggs magazine, in a post about David Brooks
"Moral Hazard watched as the guy in the expensive suit leaned over the counter and bought a copy of Juggs."three days after I riffed lightly on Juggs magazine, in a post about David Brooks?
"In Which I Just Start Re-posting Paul Krugman...while pointing to my own archives and awaiting that sweet offer from Salon or Atlantic or the New Yorker or Vanity Fair or Slate or Boy's Life or, hell, Juggs..."I'm guessing at least 3-to-1 :-)
I guess Mr. Pierce took the old adage "if you're going to steal, steal from the best" to heart.
David Brooks is walking barefoot in that photoshop. Hopefully it means that Centrism is dead.
"Moral Hazard was oddly reassured by this. It'd be nice to belong to that guy, he thought. Yeah, that'd be cool."
heh. I like the art.lebedev poster utilization. :)
Worse comes to worst, to those that know you'll end up the Martin Carthy to his Paul Simon...
Acoustic Routes - Bert Jansch
I doubt he'd be that mercenary though.
Drifty -
Juggs has standards, which clearly, the NYTimes does not. I hear the pay is not so great, but the bennies are undeniably generous at Juggs.
I think that David Brooks must be the only man in the world who actually enjoys being constipated.
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