Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Stupid Shit Andrew Sullivan Says, Ctd.

In his absence Mr, Sullivan has delegated to his staff the vital task of saying stupid shit on his behalf.

While trawling for Dish-worthy content to link to, I've learned that emotional dismissals of difficult ideas are not to be trusted. Forcing yourself to read challenging content and grapple with it is the only way to shrink ideological blind-spots.

Which is true.

Except, of course, for that one, HUGE exception, which Mr. Sullivan still won't touch with a remote-controlled, bomb-defusing robot.

1 comment:

Phil said...

" While trawling for Dish-worthy content to link to, I've learned that emotional dismissals of difficult ideas are not to be trusted. Forcing yourself to read challenging content and grapple with it is the only way to shrink ideological blind-spots.

-- by Patrick Appel for Mr. Sullivan.

I am still waiting for show and tell dickhead.