Friday, April 13, 2012

Neoconservatism and You

 A short, concise explanation of what Neoconservatism means and what Neoconservatives do.

See how many perfectly lines you can draw between Modern Conservative beliefs and the Neoconservative worldview and remember to factor in the fact that, when the are in power, the Right eagerly embraces-in-spades everything about Big Gummint that they profess to hate with a bright, white flame every time they are out of power.

On their own, most Conservatives are psychologically incapable of noticing when their entire belief system flips 180 degrees on its axis.

When you call it to their attention, well, fuck you, you fucking hippie fucking Saul Alinsky fuck, that's why!


Cinesias said...

They know in the back of their minds that they've been wrong and still are, but if they admit it now, man do they look like assholes!

So, just double-down on the dumb and only listen to those who agree with you. Problem solved.

Cognitive dissonance is a bitch.

Procopius said...

"See how many perfectly lines you can draw between the Democratic Party's beliefs and the Neoconservative worldview..." There, fixed that for ya.

Actually, now that I consider it a little more, this seems to be a great description of how the Obama administration actually behaves.