Tuesday, April 24, 2012



n. pl. mi·tto·ses (-sz) Biology

A process of political identity division by which Willard Romney publicly splits himself into two, polar-opposite personalities holding two, polar opposite views on virtually every issue of importance in modern America.

Mittosis is an extremely fragile process which can only take place under tightly controlled media conditions and even then requires a staggering amount of money and base-voter paranoia and stupidity to succeed.


Anonymous said...

The guy should be his own Vice Presidential candidate. We could have current Mitt for prez and Mass. Mitt for VP.

John said...

If successful Mittosis needs "only" a "staggering amount of money and base-voter paranoia and stupidity to succeed," then Willard seems to be a shoo in.

Recently I read that Wall St money is swinging from Obama, who it favored in 2008, to it's "favorite son" the vultures' vulture capitalist.

Today saw a report that defense industry money is similarly shifting.

Of course Willard's base voters are THE definition of "paranoia and stupidity."

I'm beginning to think that blogs which allege to support Obama should shift away from, however accurately and entertainingly, trashing his opponents to, instead, seriously addressing efforts to get out the money and the vote.

Ditto for congress.

John Puma