Thursday, March 01, 2012

Team Breitbart Choosing a New Leader

The force that animates Team Psycho and draws the scum of society to their cause never dies, but from time to time it requires new hosts and avatars.


Anonymous said...

Did he die choking on Matt Drudges cock, or aids from James O'Keefe?

Anonymous said...

RE: other Anonymous:

Not possible. The former's dick is too small, and the latter has clearly never had sex.

T_P_K said...

Limblablabla wants to know why no one is investigating the sluts at ACORN for this obvious homicide.

Kathy said...

Maybe somebody "Tread on Him".

Jenonymous said...

Fuck Brietbart, his work, and anything he ever touched. He was a hateful flaming turd of a human being whose only purpose was to destroy the lives of others and then laugh at them.

Given the warm huggy feelings that RightTards gave Gilly when he was dying/dead, let me say this:

Gilly, when you hear AndyBoy under you in Hell, begging for a glass of icewater, please take the opportunity to take a good, long, hard, 7-cups-of-coffee piss on him.

Hicksville said...

He's going after that lucrative Postmortem Dollar. That's a good dollar.

Anonymous said...

As a Wiccan, I'm not comfortable speaking ill of the dead, so I'll only say, "May he be enlightened now."

I am curious about cause of death, though. His behavior recently has been erratic, even by his standards. If he is shown to have a hemorrhage or anything showing a mental issue, the right will have the opportunity for a stunning bit of cognitive dissonance. First, they will be able to dismiss his hateful acts as mental illness, and then don their sackcloth and wring their hands over how mean the Liberals were to someone who was obviously mentally ill. Second, after they absolve him of his sins, they will still cling to everything he has done as absolute fact. This will be a good opportunity to watch them brazenly try to have things both ways.


Jenonymous said...

Mike K,

More than one person has speculated rampant coke use.

As far as not speaking ill of the dead, there's a reason that only myself and a few other non-family members made it to Gilly-s funeral--namely, rightards who threatened to show up and disrupt his funeral. Later came the threats to dig up his body. And, the entire time he was in the hospital, there were threats against him and his family.

You know, BriteTard's core consumers.

Fuck AndyBoy to Hell.

Capt. Bat Guano said...

Some say Obama killed him, prolly got lessons from Bill "I killed Foster" Clinton on how to do it and leave zero evidence.

Anonymous said...

As his widow and primary caregiver of his children, his wife is now entitled to close to $4,000 a month in SSI. I wonder if she's gonna go to the big, bad soshilist gubmit to collect.


Denny Smith said...

I wouldn't piss on him if he was on fire.

Mister Roboto said...

Coke use can seriously end in a fatal heart attack.

Anonymous said...

sow the wind and reap the whirlwind sounds closer to the kind of being Breitbart was.

evil reaps evil

Anonymous said...

I love Matt Taibii

Roket said...

And the mental rapist will now behave.

blader said...

the low info folk are in a tizzy on this....his death was hit directed straight from the whitehouse

this has all the makings of a Vince Foster on steroids episode

JackDanieL said...

Poor poor Andrew Sullivan! Have you read his latest lament? About how Breitbart's fate is one all too familiar with you precious few, you Band of Bloggers? Its such a brutal and life-sapping profession...

Next blogger to contract a case of BlackLung, let me know Andy...

North said...

I went looking for a video of his more insane quotes yesterday, trying to tell a friend who this clown was. All google would pull up though were right-wing blogs and sites calling him a hero and berating the left for 'dispicable comments online'.

Ema Nymton said...


How long did he serve in Iraq, Afghanistan, Kuwait, or Viet Nam?

Ema Nymton

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