No point in dwelling on specific patters formed by the kernals Centrist corn in the Mouse Circus midden pile on Sunday.
By now it can come as no surprise that Peggy Noonan still believes that if she just talks s-l-o-w-l-y and p-o-n-d-e-r-o-u-s-l-y enough you won't notice that she is a tequila worm woozing around at the bottom of a vat of cheap Villager popskull.
No surprise that Matthew Dowd still exists on teevee for no explicable reason and that his explanation for the existence of Rush Limbaugh encompasses two different lies:
- Republican voters don't really listen to Rush.
- Liberals referring to the Conservative War on Women as a "War on Women" is the REAL problem.
And no surprise that the ritual repetition of the of Villager Catechism or "Both Sides Are Wrong" was, as usual, in evidence everywhere, except for this one, sad moment:
Howard Dean: I don't agree with George, I think the country is not nearly as divided as the big mouths on both sides make it seem, including us.
I guess that after having a house dropped on him by the Democratic Party establishment for the unforgivable sin of being right about Iraq, and after having been mocked and stiff-armed Rahm Emanuel (hey, whatever happened to him?) for the unforgivable sin of being right about a 50 State strategy, Dr. Dean has finally figure out that the Lords of the Media Universe will not even let you in the game unless you pay the mandatory Centrist tithe and say -- through gritted teeth if necessary -- that, yes, it's the "big mouths on both sides" that are the problem.
Having been driven out of a couple of careers myself because I learned that no amount of competence, excellence or hard work could beat the corrupt machine that had rigged the game, I can't say I blame him, but it makes me sad to see him forced to wear that particular leash.
I know Dean is wrong, because George Will said he was wrong, in his pithily precise way, contradicting the "War On Women" trope at the same time:
"Congress is representing Real Cleavages."
(This was right before he said "99% of good government is preventing things getting done", btw...)
The "War On Women" is indeed the problem for any republican strategist, because it is precisely the kind of catchy word-bite repug pols repeat over and over and over to win the simple-minded to their toxic product and brand.
Progressives use far too few of them in retaliation (the last one I can recall was "They want to end Medicare", which was also true, and faded far too quickly.) Democrats need to learn the grievous sin of predatory advertizing, which was largely invented and perfected by republicans.
Not surprising, of course, but I think a golden opportunity was missed for someone to challenge Will or the others with:
"...and you're thinking of which specific time(s) when progressives said something equally vile on a national broadcast, George?"
Wait a couple beats and then: "'Both Sides Do It' my ass.. The latest real outrage by these thugs is always contrasted to some vague, absract, and ever-present sense of republican butt-hurt. IT'S A LIE! Put up or shut up, George."
I am from Oklahoma...and when I donate to Obama, I make specific mention that not one cent of that money should go to Oklahoma. Fifty state strategy my ass Mr. Dean: there is a vast swath of this country that is simply a lost cause, don't waste time or money there. We are depending on the rest of the nation to save us from the insane majorities we are overwhelmed by here.
"And no surprise that the ritual repetition of the of Villager Catechism or "Both Sides Are Wrong" was, as usual, in evidence everywhere"
It happened again last night on an interview with Harry Reid and Lawrence O'Donnell. Reid said that despite the fact his caucus had extremists like Barbara Boxer and Bernie Sanders, they were still able to function.
I know Bernie personally. He was living in the apartment above me in Burlington, Vt, when he popped open his window and told me and my roommates he was going to run to run for mayor. Thankfully for middle-class Americans, he won by ten votes. Bernie Sanders is not an extremist, he was always the smartest and most reasonable person in the room.
Neither is Barbara Boxer. She is now my senator, and a darn good one at that.
On a previous thread it may appear I was defending or making excuses for Rush Limbaugh. I wasn't. It's just that other people's transgressions don't bother me much anymore, if at all. God has revealed to me a simple truth, my own sins and the stupid things I've said have been far more destructive to my spirit than anything other people have done. To revile Limbaugh is to revile myself. I am allowed to ignore him though.
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