Friday, March 02, 2012

Charlie Pierce's Homage to Me -- Part #37

From Mr. Pierce at Esquire:
... Rush Limbaugh has spent the last two days engaging in the kind of misogyny that ought to make decent people spit on him when he walks down the street. Does Frum believe Limbaugh's influence in conservative politics began last Thursday? Back when they still invited him to CPAC, was Frum bothered by all those books in the exhibit hall about how Bill Clinton had murdered people back in Arkansas? Did he miss the 2004 presidential campaign? For all his faults, Andrew Breitbart was not sui generis in the American conservatism that once gave David Frum a very good living. He was an entirely predictable product of it. David Frum can comment on this as often as he wants, as long as he's wearing sackcloth while he does. Some ashes would be nice, too. Repent, you suckers.
I find Mr. Pierce's letter-perfect, Brian DePalmaesque tributes to my chosen subjects and style of writing terribly flattering.

Thanks, Charlie :-)


Anonymous said...

Gasbag doesn't walk down the streets without bodyguards, because people would spit on him.

Anonymous said...

Having listened to anything you have to say about Michael Steele, it's been quite a while since I heard such racism. Nice racist black-voice, douche.

And get a job.

charles pierce said...

I do miss Nancy Allen.
Thanks for the kind ones.

tweez said...

1.) There is a club

2.) Charles Pierce is in it

3.) You (and I) aren't

Anonymous said...

To Unsigned-Anonymous and Driftglass,

OK, I was also a bit taken aback by the black minstrel voice. Racism has been on the forefront of the national stage, though, so I think anything is more cringe-worthy than normal.

To Unsigned-Anonymous, though, I do see the point Driftglass was trying to make before... well...

Yes, it was good that the Republican party finally put a minority in such an important position.

However, we all know there motives were entirely craven. They wanted a black face to match the one the Democrats have.

We all also know that many of the Fox-watching knuckledraggers in the old Confederacy would watch him, and *exactly* what they heard was, "Oh, ippity-bippity! Looka me! Massa give me a job!" Yes, it's vile and disgusting, but there is no way in Hell the base would be in such a tizzy of racism over Obama and yet view Steele with respect. Horseshit. They are not ready to acknowledge that someone who is not a WHASP male could have a good idea. What was to me one of the defining moments of the Tea Party was a cranky old white man literally chasing around a young black woman, shouting with a bullhorn, "She's ACORN! She's ACORN!".

We all know movement conservatism keeps a small escort of blacks, Jews, women, and gays around as a social body guard. They can point to *three* black men and say, "We're not racist! We have black thinkers!". They can point to *one* gay man and say, "We're not homophobic! We have a gay thinker!.

So, Unsigned, I think you are within your right to be offended and demand apology, but I also think Driftglass' point still stands.

So, Driftglass... dude...! Quit showing your fool Cracka ass!


StonyPillow said...

Does it feel good? Does it satisfy? You'll never know until you try.

Kingdom of Could Be You, Drifty.

Monster from the Id said...

Off topic: The Red Cross is seeking donations to help the victims of the recent storms in the Midwest and South.

Unfortunately, I'm a pre-cybernetic relic who doesn't know how to make hotlinks on a bare-bones comment system like this one.

driftglass said...

I'm very deliberate in the language I use.

Cirze said...

He owes you.

We all do.

Particularly anonymous racist douchebags.

Mister Roboto said...

@Monster: The Red Cross is seeking donations to help the victims of the recent storms in the Midwest and South.

Monster from the Id said...

Domo arigato, Mister Roboto. ^_^