Friday, March 16, 2012

Before "The Hunger Games"

There was "They Shoot Horses, Don't They?" (Spoiler alert)

 I have read seen roughly one million movies and read roughly one million stories, novellas and novels about various bleak and grimfucked pasts, presents and possible futures.  Hell, I've even written a few.  So you'd have to be pretty sharp with the cards 

to get me back into the theater to see one more (Spoiler alert.)

Then again, I'm not the target market.

And that dystopian-future-saved-by-adolescent-hero dollar?

That's a good dollar.

So let the games begin.


James Hooten said...

drifty, I read each of the Hunger Games books just this week. I have to say, it was mighty good fiction. Haven't been sucked into a story like that in a while. From the trailers, the screen version should be pretty faithful to novels. Sure, they were written for a younger audience, but the themes and issues dealt with in those books were still interesting and worthwhile, even to an old fogy like me. I'll be watching the movie the weekend it is released.

driftglass said...

Thanks for the tip, James!